10 Weird Animals That Are Practically Aliens On Earth


Rats with armor, deer with fangs, hairless moles? They’re all a thing – or things, really – and they’re all right here on planet Earth with us, though they don’t really look the part.

These 10 weird animals might as well just come from a Sci-Fi movie – only they’re real. And with our top ten, you’re now lucky enough to see them. Enjoy!

1. Tufted Deer.

weird animals


2. Pink Fairy Armadillo.

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3. The Babirusa.

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4. Clawed Frog.

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5. Lamprey.

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6. Shoe-billed Stork.

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7. Naked Mole Rat.

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8. Hickory Horned Devil.

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9. Yeti Crab.

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10. Aye Aye.

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That lost one was scary. The others are probably just weird – unless they’re straight from a horror show. Share this with your friends and see which weird critter comes back to haunt your nightmares!