10 Funny Cricket Memes That Will Beat Any Baad Time


People say that cricket is such a lovely game that even the Gods take a break to enjoy it.

If today you cannot head over to the field, you can still have fun checking out our new selection of hilarious cricket memes.

1. The chosen one
Funny Cricket Memes

2. That’s the spirit
Funny Cricket Memes

3. Show off!
Funny Cricket Memes

4. They are faking it?
Funny Cricket Memes

5. Did you spend 10 000 hours watching cricket?
Funny Cricket Memes

6. Cricket GO!
Funny Cricket Memes

7. Did you know that?
Funny Cricket Memes

8. Souvenir from the Australian team
Funny Cricket Memes

9. Shiva of cricket
Funny Cricket Memes

10. The cricket season is coming …
Funny Cricket Memes