Taste The Best Indonesian Bali Blue Medium-Dark Coffee For A Rich & Fresh Roast

Dec 28, 2022

You may know how Moses makes his coffee – Hebrews it, of course – but the one thing he demands is freshness! It’s just no good if it’s sitting on a stone shelf day after day! Taste the Boss Brew difference!

Taste The Best Indonesian Bali Blue Medium-Dark Coffee For A Rich & Fresh Roast

Did you know that the most expensive cup of coffee you can get - anywhere in the world - is Kopi Luwak, the other featured favorite from Bali? So, what’s the difference? Well, Kopi Luwak is coffee made from beans that have been digested by a civet, a kind of wild cat. The bitterness of the coffee is neutralized by enzymes in the civet’s stomach (poof!), leaving Kopi Luwak smooth and moderate with a pleasant aftertaste - apparently!

Boss Brew Coffee, an e-shop based in Florida, has expanded its range of premium roasts with the introduction of a medium-dark coffee from Indonesia that yields a full-bodied, rich cup of coffee with notes of dark chocolate. This roast derives from the Bourbon, Typica, and Catimor varietals, producing a smoky tasting profile that includes molasses and brown sugar.

You can learn more at https://bossbrewcoffee.shop/products/bali-blue

The coffee products roaster now offers you this celebrated organic roast, cultivated by smallholder farmers from Kintamani in Bali, for free delivery anywhere you live in the United States. Grown at 1200-1600 meters, this coffee is hand-picked, wet-hulled, and dried on raised beds - which helps to preserve the flavor and aroma of the roast. One customer commented: “Smooth and delicious - The Bali Blue delivered a delightful even flavor while yielding a wonderful aroma.”

The Dutch East India Company initially introduced Arabica coffee trees to Indonesia in the 17th century, when the country was still under Dutch rule. Their goal was to end the Arab monopoly on the global coffee trade globally by successfully growing it locally. Currently, Indonesia produces both arabica and robusta coffee and contributes 5% of global coffee exports, making it one of the world's premier coffee sources. The Kintamani highlands in Bali are located between 1300 and 1700 meters above sea level on a sizable volcanic plateau. A significant portion of the coffee tree varieties is Bourbon and Typica. Bali forbids the use of pesticides, and all fertilizers are entirely organic.

Boss Brew’s Balinese Blue gets its full body from the mineral-rich volcanic soil it’s grown in according to practices that allow the coffee beans to mature slowly. Available in coarse and fine grinds, it is well-suited to French press brewing, which will intensify its sweet, full body.

Boss Brew prepares its roasts according to your order, unlike coffees that generally remain on retail shop shelves or in distribution warehouses - and are roasted weeks or months before being delivered. Customers are sure to receive the most fragrant and tasty coffee available because delivery is guaranteed within four days of any order being placed.

Boss Brew Coffee now features forty-three varieties of roasts, including single origin, flavored, and blended varieties - from Guatemalan and Ethiopian to specials like Caramel and Candy Cane. The company also offers high-end, specialty coffee equipment, mugs, and accessories.

Go to https://bossbrewcoffee.shop/products/bali-blue and grab yourself a ray of Balinese coffee sunshine to lift your mornings!

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