Raise Magical Monarch Butterflies In Greensboro With Expert Instructional Guide

Aug 1, 2022

Want to learn how to set up a butterfly garden right at home? Get a copy of Jeanne Megel’s new guidebook to get yourself updated on everything you need to know today!

Raise Magical Monarch Butterflies In Greensboro With Expert Instructional Guide

It could be a pastime hobby, a life goal, or a personal mission for the environment. Whatever your reason, you can never go wrong with raising butterflies!

Jeanne Megel is helping people realize this every day with her new book, titled "Raise Healthy Monarchs At Home".

The established author and instructor lends her years of experience to show people how to raise healthy butterflies at home, having captured all her valuable lessons into a new book.

Find more details here https://magicalmonarchs.com

If you're a lover of nature or a butterfly enthusiast interested in learning about the rare monarch butterfly species while helping to rebuild its dwindling population, then Jeanne Megel’s guidebook is for you.

According to the environmental conservation non-profit, Group For The East End, the monarch butterfly (Also known as Danaus Plexippus) is one of the unique and fragile species in the butterfly family. In the US, its species are native to the Appalachian Mountains region.

Jeanne’s motivation stems from the experience she gained in the Amazon jungle, where she learned about the existing threat of shrinking biodiversity around the world. These insights led her to become more passionate about conservation and rare species like magical monarchs.

So what do you get when you buy a copy of Jeanne's guidebook?

A lot!

Her guidebook offers instructions on how best to collect butterfly eggs, feed caterpillars, monitor chrysalises, administer first aid, and release the butterflies once they reach adulthood.

You will also learn first-hand from Jeanne’s experience supporting successful programs at conservation establishments. This includes work carried out at the Cole Family Monarch Conservation Center and Butterfly House at the Greensboro Science Center in Greensboro, NC.

Jeanne Megel is a butterfly expert, master gardener, and certified PADI Divemaster who is dedicated to seeing a complete revival of monarch butterflies into a thriving species. She resides in North Carolina and shares her time between speaking engagements and writing educational books from her experiences.

A reviewer said, "Jeanne’s book is based on eight years of research and personal experience, successes, failures, and discoveries. It is the complete guide to raising healthy monarch butterflies."

Donations go a long way, but you could always have a more hands-on approach to improving biodiversity. Not sure how? You can start by getting a copy of Raise Healthy Monarchs At Home today!

Raise Healthy Monarchs At Home is available on Kindle and paperback. Go to https://tinyurl.com/mup9rxn8 for yours!

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