More Seattle Women Choosing This Spa’s Egyptian Sugaring Treatment Over Waxing

Jan 19, 2023

Looking for a better hair removal method than shaving but not ready to commit to waxing? Get in touch with Penelope and the Beauty Bar in downtown Seattle (206-438-1750) for gentle but effective Egyptian sugaring treatments.

More Seattle Women Choosing This Spa's Egyptian Sugaring Treatment Over Waxing

If the last time you got waxed you told yourself that's the last time you'll ever get waxed, you need to investigate the benefits of sugaring.

Sugaring is a simpler, gentler hair removal solution that's just as effective as waxing but won't leave you questioning your choices.

Ready to learn more? Sweet!

Most people think hair removal means a choice between lasers, razors and waxing, but the beauticians at Penelope and the Beauty Bar have a better way of doing things.

To keep vellus facial hair and body hair at bay, they use the Egyptian sugaring method. Egyptian sugaring provides long-lasting results and reduces regrowth using just three raw ingredients and not a cloth strip in sight.

And you deserve a little TLC.

Book your sugaring appointment right now at

Front runners in the art of traditional Egyptian sugaring, premier luxury spa Penelope and the Beauty Bar brings you a hypoallergenic, non-comedogenic, near-painless treatment that will renew your faith in the potential for long-lasting hair removal.

Egyptian sugaring resembles waxing but uses a mix of sugar, lemon, and water instead of a hot wax glue to gently remove hair, not rip it from the depths of your core.

With sugaring, there are no chemical additives and no portentous cloth strips either. Instead, a water-soluble solution heated to just above body temperature is applied to your face or body but won't stick to your skin for the same results waxing produces sans searing pain.

More effective than shaving, sugaring won’t cause irritation or the potential for in-grown hairs. It also exfoliates dead skin cells and debris. And since the hairs are removed at the root, the blood supply to the follicles is restricted which weakens them and leads to lighter, less robust regrowth.

Beauticians at Penelope and the Beauty Bar say sugaring is the ideal hair removal choice for any part of your body, including the bikini area, arms, underarms, legs, shoulders, back sides, brow, chin, lip, and jawline. In fact, you could get that entire menu done in just one session, whereas with waxing, you need to be selective.

Penelope and the Beauty Bar is known for their advanced skin care and body treatments, and for the world-class brands they represent, many of which you can buy at the spa or online at the spa’s website.

With the addition of natural traditional Egyptian sugaring treatments to their body and skin care services, Penelope and the Beauty Bar offers you a gentle, long-lasting, hair removal option that's better than the punitive wax 'n pull for smooth, healthy, softer feeling skin.

Ready to treat yourself to a better hair removal option?

Learn more and book now at

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