Kicked Off Best Places to Invest in Real Estate: Manhattan. Announcement

May 25, 2022

Adiel Gorel, owner of ICG has helped thousands do just that during the ups and downs of the last few decades. Join us now. You can discover the best places to invest in real estate in 2022, register today.

Kicked Off Best Places to Invest in Real Estate: Manhattan. Announcement

Manhattan was once the pulse of commerce and culture and was once the best place to invest in real estate. 2022 saw New York City’s population plummet down 342,449 people. That is more than triple NYC’s annual migration losses from 2010 to 2020. But where is everyone going, investing, renting?

When you combine that mass exodus with another megatrend the millions of us who are now remote working, millions of us are asking ourselves; where are the best places to invest in real estate 2022. I’ve got more disposable income now that I’m not commuting, dining, shopping, or cabbing all over Manhattan. I want to capitalize on this moment.

Adiel Gorel, owner of International Capital Group has helped thousands of seasoned investors and first-time investors like you find the right rental property to buy. Gorel’s system does this in a way that has provided people like us with a lifetime of financial security through economic ups and downs for over three decades. Gorel is hosting a free virtual event in the next few days to answer the question; what are the best places to invest in real estate 2022. You don’t miss out on this one, click, right now. 

We all hear every newscaster to magazine writer from the New York Times, to Forbes, touting this time as “The Great Resignation or the Great Migration.” And we naturally start to panic in the face of massive change. But you, as an investor, can listen deeper and hear “The Great Opportunity,” calling to you because getting a wealth-building side-hustle by knowing the best places to invest in real estate 2022 just became a serious opportunity for you and your family. It’s a great time to find the right rental property to buy.

“The new normal is still so foreign to people migrating out of the big cities like Manhattan. The average disposable family income for those of us who have migrated has raised to the level of investment monies! A guess what? It’s a great time to invest in the single-family rental home, with the 30-year fixed-rate loan, seize this moment, and secure your Remote Control Retirement Riches.” –Adiel Gorel, owner of International Capital Group

The beating heart of investing, especially in single-family home rentals, is the 30-year fixed-rate loan. This loan never changes on you despite inflation. In fact, the 30-year fixed-rate loan turns inflation into your friend.

Imagine you now have a lower cost of living, in your new home outside of Manhattan or any expensive city. Imagine knowing the best places to invest in real estate 2022, imagine yourself finding that perfect rental property to buy, you take out a 30-year fixed-rate mortgage, get renters, and the rents pay down your mortgage, making each month a wealth-building month. You can use your future equity to pay for your child’s education or to invest in another rental property to increase your wealth further, even to just easily afford any unforeseen expenses. Those are some great reasons for you to find that rental property to buy because you will then have these rental properties doing the job of building wealth, while you sleep. That’s why Adiel Gorel named his system Remote Control Retirement Riches because as you will discover at the live event once you own the single-family rental home, the management company does everything for you. You have to do the hardest part: nothing. 

The right rental property to buy gives you peace of mind, autonomy, and more decision-making power than you may have ever experienced. This is a tried and true way families create generational wealth and get their lineage out of being born into financial bondage. 

As a first-time investor, getting a loan might give you a few nervous moments and that’s not uncommon, even the savviest investor can suffer from the dreaded analysis paralysis over the best places to invest in real estate 2022. 

Remember, inflation will continue to erode the real value of your fixed-rate loan day after day, while your tenant is paying down that mortgage with the rent. It’s so doable. The 30-year fixed-rate loan is a specific benefit that is unique to the US, and it turns inflation into your greatest ally. We at ICG have gone to great lengths to make it something almost anyone can do and will be hosting the live zoom event just for you. Register under Events at to find out the best places to invest in real estate in 2022.

“Even the great Warren Buffet stated the 30-year mortgage is one of his top 5 tips for building wealth. That is what we will be revealing at our event. I’ll also be sharing the best places to invest in real estate in 2022. It’s actually a great tool for turning today’s inflation into a friend.” –Adiel Gorel, owner of International Capital Group

While inflation raises the prices of everything, your mortgage payment never rises with inflation! With the right rental property to buy your loan balance continues to erode with every mortgage payment that your renter makes. There are no surprises. Doesn’t that feel good? There’s nothing like the short and long-term security in this investment. Even the great Warren Buffet agrees that the 30-year mortgage is one of his top 5 tips for building wealth.

For more details, feel free to register for the next live zoom event at, where the best places to invest in real estate in 2022 will be revealed. This is a very workable investment for so many people with so many different financial goals. It can be a life-changer for you and generations of your family tree.

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