Get A Full Strength Workout At Home With SOLE SRVO: Compare Prices & Features

May 23, 2024

Get a full strength training workout at home using SRVO from SOLE Fitness. With two different machines to choose from and a ton of free, built-in exercise videos, it’s easier than ever to meet your fitness goals on your own time.

Great things come in small packages, and the SOLE SRVO is no different! Get the ultimate home workout solution and put those muscle groups through their paces for the fitness you want and the physique you've always dreamed of. Choose between two revolutionary SRVO Home Gym Machines, and prepare to achieve all your fitness goals from the comfort of your own home.

Get the best deal on the SRVO All-in-One Trainer of your choice at


Did you know the number of Americans searching for home fitness equipment has doubled since 2011? This is because the pandemic shut down commercial gyms for a while and many people realized they preferred working out at home, anyway. As well, an increase in new workout apps hit the market as did newer and better all-in-one cross-training equipment. Social Media also played its part, as people began posting their progress and inspiring others to pursue their goals and push themselves to the next level.

With the availability of the SRVO All-in-One Trainers from SOLE, fitness you too can achieve your full body strength training goals at home. Bye-bye monthly gym fees and hello thousands of free home workout videos you can access using the SOLE+ app. And, since both SRVO trainers are compact, you can enjoy a range of workouts without converting your house into a commercial weight room.


SRVO Home Gym Machines are designed with an intelligent resistance system and three distinct training modes.

You get a unique fusion of strength, cardio, endurance, and flexibility training with over 150 different exercises you can customize to meet your individual fitness goals.

A spokesperson for SOLE Fitness explains:

“SRVO is your ultimate home workout solution. Boasting a sleek design and compact size, SRVO blends effortlessly into any living space. Experience a seamless weightlifting workout that challenges your chest, back, arm, hamstring, and abdominal muscle groups for a full body workout whenever it suits your schedule.”


The SRVO All-in-One Trainer is a competitively priced base unit that can slide under your couch or bed and is therefore ideal if a more compact workout system is what you're after.

The SRVO Complete Trainer, available at a slightly higher price point, includes a full suite of accessories, including a bench, bar, weight plates, and a half rack for a more traditional, gym-like experience.

Both models feature SOLE Fitness’s state-of-the-art motorized resistance system with commercial-grade servomotors and a smart calculation system for consistent and accurate weight simulation. Both also offer three built-in workout modes: standard, eccentric, and isokinetic.

As with all SOLE Fitness workout equipment, you will also receive lifetime access to the SOLE+ fitness app which includes over 3,000 workouts designed to integrate seamlessly with your SRVO machine.

Ready to engage those muscles and work out like a warrior at home? SOLE SRVO is both your path of least resistance and your trainer for the ultimate resistance. It is, after all, an all-in-one workout machine. Learn more about SOLE Fitness and choose your favorite SRVO at

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