Genie Script For Faster Financial Abundance: 20-Word Manifestation For Abundance

Oct 19, 2023

The “Genie Script” is a special 20-word manifestation script from the Bible that allows you to manifest faster and with more accuracy. Self Improve Masters helps you achieve your dreams with Wesley Virgin’s closely guarded secret!

You’ve been lied to.

You’ve probably heard of manifestation before – but do you know you’ve been doing it wrong for years? If you’ve been meditating every day and affirming so hard that your nose bleeds BUT STILL NOT GETTING ANY RESULTS, this is why.

Are you ready to learn the secrets that all billionaires use?

Self Improve Masters has a manifestation video by renowned entrepreneur, Wesley Virgin, on the “Genie Script”.

At a time when the average American has a debt of over $60,000, according to Fed data, this video teaches you how to naturally raise your vibrations so that you can manifest financial freedom much faster.

100x faster!

Learn about the “Genie Code,” a 20-word manifestation script found in the original Hebrew Bible at

Are you ready for a new life?

Within the writings of the ancient Hebrew Bible are 20 words that need to be repeated daily to manifest anything, including financial well-being. You won't find these words anywhere in the Bible you see at schools or hotels!

These words have been hidden because of the power they contain.

Here’s why: The words raise your vibrations by triggering the body to naturally produce more hormones, creating a positive cycle of wellness. This process helps improve health and makes you feel better about yourself, further raising your vibrations for faster manifestation.

When you look good and feel even BETTER, that’s when the true magic begins.

Here’s why your manifestation hasn’t been working

The 20-word Biblical script goes beyond traditional manifestation strategies that do not factor in the importance of the endocrine system. Practitioners of the Law of Attraction state that you need to meditate or consistently use affirmations to receive abundance. However, Wesley argues that you cannot receive your manifestations if your body is unhealthy.

You can’t receive if you are not ready for it, spiritually.

This is especially true today. A study seen by Healthline suggests that nearly half of U.S. women aged 30 to 60 have experienced symptoms of a hormonal imbalance, while up to 38% of American men aged 45 years and older have low testosterone levels. While a hormone imbalance can cause various problems, its lesser-known effect is diminished success with manifesting.

The “Genie Script” attempts to resolve this by triggering the body to naturally produce more testosterone for men or estrogen for women. Once hormone levels are balanced, you begin to feel more confident in yourself and find it easier to manifest.

Do you want to know what these special and POWERFUL words are?

To date, the video by Wesley Virgin offered by Self Improve Masters has helped over 100,000 people in the United States achieve their dreams.

Go to and find it for yourself!

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