What Is Sequence-Of-Returns Risk And How Can Retirees Protect Themselves?

May 25, 2022

The sequence of returns risk may have a much larger long-term effect on retirement security than any of the more well-known types of risk in retirement, even though most financial advisors and retirees focus on more obvious risks like market volatility and risks from inflation.

What Is Sequence-Of-Returns Risk And How Can Retirees Protect Themselves?

DCF Annuities, the primary source of wholesale income for retirement, has revised and updated one of the most popular posts on their website, titled: "Sequence of Returns Risk In Retirement" found at the following https://bit.ly/retirement-risk

When asked about the primary risks in retirement, financial advisors and individual investors alike often speak stock market risk or inflation risk or interest rate risk. While most financial advisors and retirees focus on these more obvious risks like market volatility and risks from inflation, the sequence of returns risk may have a much larger long-term effect on retirement security than any of the more well-known types of risk in retirement.

The updated publication on the DCF Annuities website reviews and explains the sequence of returns risk a well and also provides a simple yet extremely effective way to guard against this risk.

Readers will discover one of the best sources for data on sequence-of-returns risk in retirement, and the post provides graphs to illustrate the effects in different retirement scenarios.

When asked about this little-known risk, DCF Annuities Founder Nathaniel Pulsifer said "Portfolio losses early in retirement can become a critical factor affecting long-term success for retirees. Unfortunately, sequence-of-returns risk is often neglected in financial plans, whether the plan is put together by a financial advisor or by personal research. The good news is there are simple ways to effectively protect against this risk without any major reshuffling of retirement assets."

This new updated post provides a clear explanation with examples and also reveals how fixed income with true wholesale pricing can be an easy-to-use solution with the highest probability of success and lowest risk.

"Retirees only get one chance to get it right," said Pulsifer. "By avoiding one of the biggest pitfalls in retirement, more investors can live out their retirement years with real financial security."

Readers interested in learning more about sequence-of-returns risk in retirement are encouraged to visit the DCF Annuities website and read the updated post. https://www.dcfannuities.com/sequence-of-returns-risk-in-retirement/

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