Do you find your efforts to achieve personal growth hampered by stress? Are you frustrated by mental blocking preventing you from changing for the better? Call on transformative life coach Lynn M Rossi at 860-615-9091 in and around Essex, CT!
Don’t just chase your dreams - catch them! Let Lynn Rossi guide you as you become the person you’ve always wanted to be with the life you’ve always wanted to live!
As announced by Courageous Transformation LLC, Lynn Rossi’s transformative coaching services are now available for you in Essex alongside an extensive Connecticut service area. The locally-based and Life Mastery Institute-certified DreamBuilder Coach works with you to design rewarding plans applicable to both your life and your work.
Click to find out more!
Lynn brings her ability to unearth and realize your potential for personal growth to your Essex community. Through her range of one-on-one and group coaching services, Rossi aims to help you manifest the achievement of personal and professional goals in pursuit of optimal life balance.
Chief among Lynn’s priorities is her focus on encouraging you to accomplish longstanding ambitions. According to Lynn, her DreamBuilder-taught skills place an emphasis on bringing ideal life habits and attributes from your imagination into a living, breathing reality.
You’ll benefit from the structured coaching that Lynn can provide via group or individual sessions, as per your needs. She describes her proven coaching plans as catalysts for immense change, promoting crucial adjustments in your way of thinking - leading to highly positive results.
Drawing on her decades of teaching experience, she seeks to comprehensively support you as you develop the confidence to grow in all areas of life, ranging from personal and practical behavior to creative and professional development. Rossi is also equipped to help you manage anger and frustration while reducing your stress.
A company spokesperson explained when discussing Rossi’s programs: “Lynn offers content-rich interactive workshops that take participants on a journey in which they design, define, test and experience a crystal clear vision of the life they would love - a life that is in alignment with their highest purpose. They will have a unique opportunity to step into the life they are imagining.”
Lynn’s announcement serves to extend the offer of her transformational coaching sessions to those in need throughout Connecticut. In addition to her group and one-on-one programs, the accomplished public speaker and educator regularly leads inspirational seminars and collaborative workshops in both corporate and personal settings.
If you want to keep your New Year Resolutions next year and finally make your dreams a reality, contact Lynn now!
Live life better with Lynn - whether you’re in Essex or nearby, click to learn more about Lynn Rossi and the group or individual personal coaching sessions you need!