Texas Sinusitis Treatment & Symptoms Guide Explains Stuffy Nose & Nose Infection

Apr 23, 2024

If you’re tired of suffering from chronic or acute sinusitis, you can learn more about causes, symptoms, and treatment options in the informative consultation from Texas Sinus & Snoring (+1 346-413-9313), or book a no-obligation consultation at their Houston center.

Sinusitis can be painful, irritating, and distracting. To help you understand this condition and explore possible treatment options, medical professionals at Texas Sinus & Snoring have compiled a helpful consultation.

View the guide at https://texassinusandsnoring.com/sinusitis

The team explains root causes of sinusitis, possible treatments, and the difference between acute and chronic sinus infections.

With allergy season in full swing, the sinus experts at Texas Sinus & Snoring guide you through a list of typical symptoms, including loss of smell, post nasal drip, runny or stuffy nose, cough, congestion, and tenderness in your face.

Improve Your Quality Of Life

Recent statistics from the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention show that the number of adults worldwide with diagnosed sinusitis is around 28.9 million, or around 11.6% of the total global population. Recognizing the prevalence of the condition - along with the fact that many additional cases remain undiagnosed - the team at Texas Sinus & Snoring works to provide helpful information to improve your quality of life.

“We believe people shouldn’t just live with the symptoms of sinusitis,” says a spokesperson. “We specialize in sinus issues so you can break the cycle and breathe!”

Learn About Causes

Along with a list of common symptoms, the consult also covers less typical signs of sinusitis, such as fever, ear pain, throat clearing, bad breath, fatigue, dental pain, or sore throat.

You'll learn about the bacterial, viral, or fungal causes of acute sinusitis, as well as the conditions that can lead to chronic sinusitis, which persists over time, with nasal stuffiness, headaches, and persistent fatigue lasting for months or even longer. Root causes covered in the consultation include seasonal allergies, nasal polyps, infections, and a deviated septum.

The consult helps you understand why treatment with decongestants, allergy medications, and steroids is only a temporary solution, and how your sinusitis can potentially be addressed through office procedures or surgery.

Explore Treatment Options

You can access a no-obligation sinus quiz online, and can also request an appointment with Houston sinusitis specialist Dr. Cilento, of Texas Sinus & Snoring. Dr. Cilento and his team have been treating sinusitis for over 20 years and the center offers comprehensive care, including initial consultations, CT scans, scope, and diagnoses.

Don't suffer with acute or chronic sinusitis any longer - reach out to the compassionate team at Texas Sinus & Snoring today!

Interested parties can book an appointment at https://texassinusandsnoring.com/sinusitis

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