Order Your Copy: Spiritual Guidance For Humanity’s Present & Future From Jesus

Dec 7, 2021

Are you feeling the change coming and wondering what is about to transpire? Be sure to check out Albert J. Fike’s book Our World In Transition: Messages From Jesus.

If Jesus were alive today, what do you think he would say about modern life? What kind of guidance and advice would he give for you and your community? 

Our World In Transition answers those questions. Written through the process of mediumship, the book is suited for anyone interested in the teachings of Jesus and understanding humanity’s true nature.

The new book includes twenty lessons that were received by the author from Jesus himself. They cover a range of spiritual topics including commentaries on the current state of the world and its escalation to greater challenges and further ecological devastation. 

Go to https://divinelovesanctuary.com for more information. 

One of the most recent releases by the Divine Love Sanctuary, Our World In Transition: Messages From Jesus provides many with valuable insight. As the global community navigates the enormous changes resulting from the pandemic and regular natural disasters, many are turning to spirituality for guidance. 

Albert J. Fike has received teachings from Jesus and shared them in a book that is well-positioned to support you during these difficult times. A main theme of the publication is that greater knowledge and a clear understanding of deep spiritual truths are key to navigating these challenging times. 

The book is full of sage advice on how to handle a variety of modern issues, including abortion, assisted death, and family life. Additionally, it includes Jesus’s perspective on the current state of human progress. 

The voice of Jesus shines through every word of this timely book. It is essentially a blueprint for humanity’s next steps on the planet. 

It is easy to read, thought-provoking, and will inspire you to do some deep soul-searching. The book is filled with a heartwarming and hopeful message for the salvation of humanity. It is an immensely insightful read that will leave you feeling supported and loved. 

There is no doubt the messages in this book were meant to be communicated during this current time and age. It is a fascinating read that has been channeled and transcribed with the utmost care. 

Go to https://divinelovesanctuary.com for the soul-searching guidance and inspiration you need! 

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