Master Zhi Gang Sha’s Revolutionary Light Massage Helps People Heal Remotely

Aug 12, 2021

Dr. and Master Zhi Gang Sha changes the face of remote energy healing and transformation through a revolutionary new form of massage called Tao Calligraphy Light Massage Further information can be found at

Dr. and Master Zhi Gang Sha is offering a new form of remote energy healing and massage called Tao Calligraphy Light Massage. For anyone with an interest in the world of natural health, alternative healing and energy healing, this new development is worth paying attention to. This revolutionary distance healing technique is offered from the unique Healing Field created by Tao Calligraphy Oneness writing. It is causing a stir by creating some extraordinary results and you can attend your first session as a gift! (See details below)

Currently, a person may notice that most types of massage focus on the art of touch and maybe some energetic work or principles. Dr. and Master Zhi Gang Sha makes a point of saying "The Tao Calligraphy Healing Field gives people access to a pure, positive field and the frequency and vibration of Source love and light. Within this field, people are nourished and experience a profound sense of calm and relaxation. As positive information permeates the soul, heart, mind, and body during Tao Calligraphy Light Massage, negative information is released, and healing occurs."

Dr. and Master Zhi Gang Sha continues... "This service will fill your soul, heart, mind and body with high-frequency light, information and energy from a Source frequency healing field. This infusion of pure, positive information and energy can lead to healing and transformation. Ultimately this is going to be a huge benefit to participants because they will receive the frequencies of light and energy that can help transform health and other challenges and create a healthier, happier life."

Dr. and Master Sha has been teaching, writing books, and offering healing wisdom and services for 30 years. His mission is to transform the soul, heart, mind and body of humanity and all souls and enlighten or enlighten them further in order to create a love peace harmony universal family.

Currently, the Tao Calligraphy Light Massage is unique in terms of the positive, coherent and harmonious healing energy, information and light that stream from the Tao Calligraphy Healing Field. By delivering this healing frequency and vibration directly into the soul, heart, mind and body of recipients, its predicted that this service will become more and more popular with people in the natural health, alternative healing space, quickly. It is especially convenient as you can receive it from your home, your first session is a gift, and the current fee for more sessions is a mere $30 CAD (for a limited time only).

Thousands have experienced this amazing service that Master Sha introduced 3 months ago and hundreds have written in with remarkable results for all kinds of conditions. Here are just three stories that are focused on pain:

Amazing relief for serious back pain

My old back pain had resurfaced again, with pain every day, fluctuating between 6 to 8 and with burning sensations and numbness in my mid-back. I requested Tao Calligraphy Light Massage healing for this issue from Master Sha. When the healing was over, I got up and there was no pain, no nerve pinching and no numbness! I had free motion is all directions again. Such a relief! I will join it regularly from now on. - M. H.

No relief for eight years until Tao Calligraphy Light Massage

I’ve had severe pain in my neck and left side of my head for the last seven to eight years. I was finally diagnosed with bilateral trapezitis. I tried all sorts of medicines from allopathy, homeopathy and Ayurveda but everything just gave only a little temporary relief. But then, Master Sha started the Tao Calligraphy Light Massage sessions. After attending seven sessions, I am feeling eighty percent better. - R.G.

Severe pain cleared, normal sleep follows

I attended Master Sha's last two Tao Calligraphy Light Massage sessions and experienced profound healing for my spleen. For more than five months, I had a hard time sleeping on my left side due to level 7 level pain in my spleen area. Now, I have no pain and can sleep. I am beyond grateful for the light and healing.


The remote high-frequency light massage service is offered on Saturdays from 10 - 11am ET, continuing on August 14, 2021 and until Sept. 4 at least, possibly longer. Subscribe to the Dr. and Master Sha newsletter and get your first session as a gift: To find out more about Tao Calligraphy Light Massage, visit

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