Learn More About Homosexuality Religious Debate With This YouTube Video Explaining The LGBT Topic

Oct 2, 2017

A new YouTube video has been launched by “God is Gay” alongside the new book of the same name. It helps to shed light on the controversial topic that has grabbed media attention for years.

“God is Gay” has launched a new video explaining the straight Christian’s guide to the issue surrounding sexuality in the Bible. It has been launched alongside the book “God is Gay: The Straight Christian’s Guide to the Gay Issue” and is designed to help dispel myths around what the Bible does and does not say on the topic.

More information can be found at: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=qpUkm7RiSao.

The video explains that according to Pew Research Center, 70% of Americans identify as Christian, but most don’t attend church regularly. But this research also underscores that most American Christians believe that church should be accepting of homosexuality.

However, most Christian denominations do not accept homosexuality. This is down to people understanding the Bible in different ways. The new book, “God is Gay”, can help people to win arguments against pastors and other religious people who think that God is against homosexuality.

The book was designed to make the subject easy to understand, and proves what the Bible says in a way that is 100% understandable for every reader. There is no parsing of Hebrew of Greek, no discussion of ancient Catholic politics and its impact of the Bible today.

On the Amazon page listing for the book, it explains that there are many churches that welcome gay congregants and that have openly promoted gay professionals within their church hierarchy. Yet, the heated debate not he topic continues.

While religion and homophobia have traditionally been lumped together by the media, it’s not always the case that religious people have to be against homosexuality. The book proves that God is gay, just as God is black, white, Hispanic, male and female. Using modern translations, it demonstrates what the Bible says and helps shed light on what has been a point of conflict for years.

Full details can be found on the YouTube channel above, with additional information provided on Amazon for customers wanting to buy the book at: https://amazon.com/dp/B01GT7BUM4.

Interested parties can find out more by checking out the reviews for the product.

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