Grand Lake Roofing Contractor Offers Inspections & Repairs Hail-Related Damage

Aug 1, 2023

Has your roof sustained damage in one of the recent summer hailstorms? Contact Gold Roofing, Inc. (+1 970-593-3080) in Grand Lake to get cracked shingles repaired or replaced!

Did you know that Colorado’s largest hailstone on record weighed 8.5 ounces? If that were to hit your house, you’d want to contact the press — but not before you contact the repair team at Gold Roofing, Inc.!

The roofing company supports local homeowners throughout the Colorado hail season, which spans mid-April to mid-September with the most catastrophic property damage occurring in the summer months. Schedule a routine roof inspection with Gold Roofing to uncover shingle and structural damage caused by hail, as well as by general age and disrepair.

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Gold Roofing, Inc. recommends you contact a company that can repair your roof before your insurance claim expires. Typically, most insurance companies require you to file a claim for your property damage within 1 year of the hail storm. The Grand Lake roofers have experience advocating for their clients in insurance claims to ensure they get the compensation they are entitled to.

Gold Roofing provides roofing and repair services throughout the Northern Colorado area situated within ‘Hail Alley’. Also covering Wyoming and Nebraska, this region of the US is reported to have the highest frequency of hailstorms, reporting between 7 and 9 days of hail annually. In 2022, the nation saw 4,436 major hail events, which was up from 3,762 in 2021. With even the smallest of stone falling at up to 25mph, this common weather condition can cause severe damage to your property in a single storm.

In the past decade, it is estimated that hailstorms have caused over $5 billion in insured damages to homeowners in the state of Colorado. As well as creating unsightly cracks and dents in your roof, an influx of hail stones can loosen the bonds between the shingles and the asphalt attaching them to your property.

The roofing company will fix which damage which left unrepaired, would weaken the structural integrity of your home, particularly in winter when snow and ice can freeze inside cracked shingles, expanding them and allowing water to seep into your roof. This can lead to dampness and mold inside your home and pose a threat to the safety of your family.

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About Gold Roofing, Inc.

Gold Roofing has been operating in the Grand Lake area for over 25 years. It has acquired an A+ rating with the Better Business Bureau, an international directory of service providers recognized for their reputability and reliability.

Gold Roofing, Inc. responds to shingle and structural damage caused by extreme weather conditions - call +1 970-593-3080 to speak to the team and book an inspection!

Find out more about its roofing services at

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