Get Affordable, High-Tech Dental Implant Services In St Heliers, Auckland

Apr 13, 2022

How do you know this dentist is so darned good? Word of mouth, naturally! And people seem to be shouting from the rooftops: Natural Smile Dental St Heliers is the real deal, so give them a call at 09 585 0205!

Get Affordable, High-Tech Dental Implant Services In St Heliers, Auckland

What do you want to do when you're at the dentist? Absolutely anything to get away from there, usually! This is different. Most people actually enjoy their time at Natural Smile Dental St Heliers. But perhaps you still just want to be distracted? Right. Well, Dr Richards used to be a paratrooper, so there's always that! You can get lost in another world!

The dental practice, which opened in 2014 and specializes in minimally invasive biomimetic dentistry, now offers affordable implants that function and feel like natural teeth. In fact, you will pay far less here than at most dentists in Auckland - which may seem surprising since the clinic is gleaming and outfitted with the latest technology.

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Natural Smile Dental St Heliers, led by Dr Dave Richards, now provides implants that will preserve the health of adjacent teeth - since there is no need for any bridgework - while allowing you the natural comfort of an evenly distributed bite. Plus, you save around $2,000!

The global dental implant market is expected to grow by over 10% annually over at least the next five years, as consumers increasingly recognize the benefits of customized implants. A recent European study found that patients with fixed implants were extremely satisfied ten years after their implants have been placed - and before some of the recent technological advances had been made available. However, dental care generally in New Zealand is more expensive than that in many countries - such as the UK - as oral healthcare does not receive significant public funding.

Natural Smile Dental St Heliers recognizes the cost challenges for patients and people’s apprehension about undergoing unnecessary and expensive procedures - the clinic prices accordingly and consults with you to ensure full transparency.

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The implant procedure can be initiated after Dr Richards and you together review the 3-D imagery and agree on the subsequent steps. Depending on factors such as the state of the tooth being replaced and the surrounding tissue, the implant may be placed in your jaw at the same time as removing the defective tooth - or it may be surgically placed separately.

After the implant has been placed, there is typically a three to six-month recovery time. For a few weeks, a healing cap is placed on top of the implant. The healing cap will then be removed and replaced with an abutment - which is what the tooth-like crown will be placed over for a secure hold.

Natural Smile’s dental restoration process is especially accurate due to the 3D printing technology and oral scanning enabled CAD/CAM tools. The customized fit minimizes the need for repairs or adjustments while ensuring greater comfort and fewer future visits.

One patient remarked: "Dave and his team offer excellent service with a warm and welcoming environment. I had my first dental implants put in and found the whole experience to be painless and stress-free. I recommend Dave’s team highly and trust your experience will be similar to my own."

For those of you weaned on old-fashioned dentistry - often known as professionally acceptable sadism - this practice will come as a welcome relief!

Go to and just ask yourself, "Sheesh, can all these people possibly be so wrong?!"

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