Exploring the Benefits of Organic Products through Pet Hemp with Nava Pets

Jul 16, 2021

Nava Pets is a company that manufactures and sells organic pet products.

According to Metropolitan Veterinary Services, roughly 1 in every 20 dogs may suffer from epilepsy. In another piece written by experts from RAU Animal Hospital, roughly one in five cats gets cancer. Seeing how such diseases are affecting pets is really worrying. That is why companies like Nava Pets have decided to expand their organic pet products line and add hemp oil and treats to their collection. Read through and find out more about this fantastic product and its benefits.

Pet Hemp

Is hemp good for dogs? Is one allowed to administer hemp dog treats? Can one give cats hemp? These are some of the numerous questions that usually come up when people talk about pet hemp products. This is, however, understandable, seeing that these items have just started gaining acceptance.

Pet hemp is a natural/organic product that comes from the hemp plant. One of the most common products in the pet hemp line is hemp oil. Hemp oil barely contains any THC traces and does not have any intoxicating aspects that normal cannabis has.

So the answer to the above questions is yes. Hemp is indeed good for dogs. There is no problem giving dogs hemp treats, and administering cat hemp is totally fine.

Benefits of Hemp for Pets

So what are the benefits of pet hemp?

Hemp Helps in Inhibiting the Growth of Cancerous Tumors

Cancer in pets is indeed a menace. That is why every pet parent needs to put in place measures to prevent the growth of tumors in the first place.

An excellent way of doing so is by administering hemp treats. This is because hemp treats help in blocking the ability of cancer cells to produce energy. With no energy, cancer cells end up dying. That is not all; pet hemp products offer anti-tumor properties. Such properties play an active role in slowing and even stopping the growth of glioma cells.

Helps in Managing Epilepsy

Hemp oil is an excellent option to use for pets that frequently have epilepsy. This is because hemp has calming effects. With this, the number of epilepsy attacks a pet normally has is significantly reduced.

Pet Hemp Oil Improves Cardiovascular Health

Hemp oil for dogs has been proven to promote the heart’s health. Hemp oil does this in two main ways. The first way is by reducing the damage caused by irregular heart rates and damaged blood vessels. The other way is by providing a shield to blood vessels so that the vessels do not get damaged in the first place.

About Nava Pets

Headquartered in Orlando, Florida, Nava Pets is a company that manufactures and sells organic pet products. Janel Young, the founder, started this company back in 2013. This was after Janel experienced trouble getting a natural shampoo to use on a pet who was having frequent flea/tick infestations. Eight years down the line, Janel has built a global brand that is slowly taking over the pet industry.

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