Dr. T Shares the Power Of Focusing On What Is Working, To Increase What You Want

Apr 13, 2022

Emotional Scientist© Dr. Tracy Shares Secrets to Be Happy, Healthy, & Wealthy

Dr. T Shares the Power Of Focusing On What Is Working, To Increase What You Want

I'm Dr. Tracy Thomas, the world’s first Emotional Scientist©, renowned psychologist, and Wall Street Journal best-selling author of The Commitments: A Step-by-Step Guide to Personal Transformation, advises on the surprisingly simple way to attain your biggest and most elusive goals, whether those are to be happy, healthy, wealthy, or something else: be among like-minded people.

Too much of our time is spent around people who are counter to our goals. If you want to be happy, healthy, and wealthy, hang out with people who do that. Seek out people who embody the qualities you desire to be, and follow their example and implement the patterns they live in your own life. This is about creating your own version of what you see working for others.

Get more of my insights at: https://www.instagram.com/drtracyinc/

Many people make the mistake of trying to fix what is not working in their life, instead of increasing what is working. For example, if you struggle with depression, you can go to traditional therapy and talk about your depression. While you’ll get some useful tools to deal with it, you’ll also spend a lot of time hanging out in a depressing space. But if you want to be happy instead of depressed, it’s far better to focus on what makes you happy and to spend time around other people who are happy. When you know what you really want, go in that direction - even if it seems weird to other people. That means staying in the reality field that you choose for yourself, even when life tries to knock you off course.

You can learn more about me at DrTracyInc.com, where you can book a free consultation to assess your intentional capacity compared to what you'd like it to be, allowing you to get a highly valuable assessment of what it takes for you to become your most intentional self, putting distracting and impacting reactivity in the rear view mirror, and making focus, creativity, productivity and prosperity a way of existing for life.

Much more on how to achieve happiness can also be found in my best-selling books: The Method, and The Commitments, which is an Amazon, Barnes & Noble, and Wall St. Journal bestseller.

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