Discover Why The Bare+ IPL From Smoothskin Makes Such A Super Solution At Home!

May 24, 2020

Do you want the best IPL reviews to help you make the smartest buying decision? Check out for expert analysis and in-depth content!

If you want the best IPL device for home use, has you covered with their expert, in-depth reviews. You get all the information you need without fluff so you can make a better decision when it comes to buying your gadgets.

Their latest guide covers the Smoothskin Bare+ home IPL device. How does it stack up against more powerful rivals? Is it worth the money? You’ll find answers to these questions and more in the new review!

But rest assured – it’s a recommended buy because it’s both fast and affordable for light to medium skin tones.

More information can be found at: has become a leading destination for hair removal and IPL device reviews and insight. Buyers like you trust the reviews and reports because they provide clear images, in-depth use cases, and easy-to-follow guides. tests and trials the best home IPL/laser hair removal and home beauty technology devices to help you make a more confident purchase. All recommendations are tried and tested by the specialist team, from leading and reputable brands, with clinical proof, solid customer support and warranties.

That means you know you’re getting not only in-depth reviews, but you’re also learning about the best products! Let do all the hard work for you and take the hassle out of your buying decision.

For each product covered on the site, there is a strict testing criteria to ensure high quality. The team compares and tests how safe and easy the device is to use and performs speed tests across different body areas. The focus is on determining how it feels, the results it gives, and how much effort it takes overall to achieve smooth skin with long-term results.

The team explains that they found the Bare+ to be superb quality, fast and foolproof to use. It has plug-and-zap simplicity and comfort, and works on dark hair while also being safe for light to medium skin tones.

The guide shares the tester’s in-depth feedback, tips, and any negative points during their usage. It also explains what to expect with the medium-power home IPL vs more powerful rival devices.

Laura Gladman, the chief tester at, said: “The new Bare+ is very handy, simple and fast. It scores very highly against all our criteria and we think it's a strong contender against the premium choices, and at a more affordable price.”

You can find full details on the link above!

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