Digital Entrepreneur Compares Mailchimp & ActiveCampaign For Business Startups

Oct 29, 2021

Which email automation software is best for you? FitPreneurShip gives business startups the rundown in their latest comparison between Mailchimp and ActiveCampaign.

Are you still wasting time sending business emails manually? Call the year 2001, they want their strategy back. Automation software is what the clever folk are up to these days. As this new article explains, not all email autoresponders were created equal.

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FitPreneurShip suggests that, while something like Mailchimp is an affordable option, ActiveCampaign has many more features that can continue to support your business as it grows. Saving money now could cost you time and effort in the future.

So, what are email autoresponders? Well, email has been an important part of business for more than 20 years. However, over time, the tool has evolved from a simple means of communication into a powerful marketing aspect. Email automation was developed to help your business harness this method more efficiently.

As FitPreneurShip explains, solutions such as Mailchimp offer a range of functions that can be useful for startups like yours. Given the platform has some free options, the new report states that it can be an attractive option when you are just starting out.

However, you are also advised that your business may quickly outgrow the feature-set of such software. As an example, a free limit of 2,000 email subscribers might sound great to begin with, but as you attract more clients, you’ll find that it fills up very quickly. Remember, the name of the game is automation, so having 2,000 saved email addresses really isn’t that much.

In comparison, the author indicates that ActiveCampaign includes much more powerful automation, as well as more comprehensive abilities to tag people and lists. In essence, the report states that this package provides you with more flexibility in the way that your clients and marketing campaigns can be managed.

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Created by Kneller Fernandes, FitPreneurShip combines aspects of business, lifestyle, and fitness to provide modern entrepreneurs with a more holistic approach to business success. The website contains a wide range of complimentary articles, along with advice on digital software packages that are most useful to online businesses.

Kneller Fernandes recently stated: “Any amount of wealth is not enough if you have to spend it on a hospital bed or don’t get a chance to spend it because you are sick all the time. Our initiative is to help new entrepreneurs not only start up their journey into a life of their dreams but also to help them in a holistic way where they are healthy and wealthy.”

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