Dentures on Implants From This Winnipeg Denture Clinic Make It Easier To Speak

Feb 3, 2023

If you have conventional dentures, you may find it hard to speak. Winnipeg’s Minuk Digital Denture & Implant Centre (204-589-6329) can eliminate this problem forever!

Dentures on Implants From This Winnipeg Denture Clinic Make It Easier To Speak

Getting dentures isn't like it used to be. You no longer have to battle sticky bonding agents or worry your teeth might come loose in public.

Conventional dentures can require the use of adhesive if it's not holding properly it may also make talking more difficult. Today's dentures on implants offer the freedom from worrying that you cannot pronounce words clearly.

88% of individuals wearing conventional dentures say their appliances make it difficult to speak properly. The Denturist at Minuk Denture Clinic can offer permanent or removable implant dentures, which not only improve your ability to speak but also alleviate the food restrictions associated with regular dentures. They are also a whole lot more comfortable.

Find out more and book a free consultation at

Both fixed and removable denture implants - also called overdentures or snap-on dentures - are denture appliances that attach to small implants in the gums. Both have their unique and shared benefits. Barring gum or jawbone issues, they can be chosen based on your preference to improve comfort and speech and prevent the sagging look that not replacing missing teeth will cause.

According to a new guide by the Minuk Digital Denture & Implant Centre, fixed and removable denture implants - also called overdentures or snap-on dentures - are denture appliances that attach to small implants in the gums. Both have their unique and shared benefits and, barring gum or jawbone issues, can be chosen based on personal preference to improve comfort, speech, and an individual’s appearance. With a conventional upper denture, the palate covers the roof of the mouth which may require some extra practice to speak especially for those having dentures made for the first time.

Getting dentures on implants is not only a monetary investment but an investment in yourself. It is important to keep in mind that taking proper care and maintaining your smile is very important to ensure that you get the most out of it. Regular checkups and cleanings are absolutely crucial. These visits will ensure your denture is fitting you correctly and that all parts are in good working order.

The team at Minuk Digital Denture & Implant Centre offers dentures on implants because they are the best option for better gum and jawbone health. They also allow individuals to avoid common problems associated with conventional dentures such as slippage and the need for denture adhesive.

A recent client says, “I wore dentures for three years and always found them painful and inconvenient. Minuk Digital Denture & Implant Centre has changed my life. You gave me a permanent solution to what I thought would be a lifelong problem.”

Minuk Digital Denture & Implant Centre gives those with conventional dentures and those in need of dentures a better option with fixed or removable dentures on implants that improve an individual’s speech, comfort, and overall quality of life.

Are you ready to skip unreliable adhesives? Visit for all the information you need about personalized dental solutions.

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