Chickasaw Gardens Oriental Rug Experts: Cleaning & Protection Service

May 7, 2024

Oriental rugs require specialized cleaning techniques to protect their delicate fabrics. If you own an oriental rug in the Chickasaw Gardens or East Memphis area, River City Rug Cleaning (901-341-7847) are the local experts.

Boutique Rug Cleaning Services

Oriental rugs are often hand made, and therefore require the same level of care and attention when being cleaned. As the name suggests, River City Rug Cleaning focuses exclusively on cleaning and protecting rugs, so you know your investment is in good hands.

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The team will pre-inspect your rug to check for any problems, such as stains, color bleed, excessive wear, or binding damage. So, in addition to professionally cleaning your rug, they can also give you an estimate on fixing any issues,

Oriental rugs can often be handwoven using delicate materials like silk and wool, requiring specific cleaning methods to avoid damage. If you own an oriental rug in Chickasaw Gardens or East Memphis, River City Rug Cleaning provides the highly specialized services you need.

“No matter what part of the world your rug comes from, we have the correct cleaning solutions,” a company representative explained. “We have served Memphis, Germantown, Collierville and surrounding areas for over 15 years, and we give each and every rug the same careful attention that went into making it.”

Extending Your Rug’s Lifespan

Renowned for their strength and durability, an authentic oriental rug can last for over 100 years if properly cared for. While specific requirements will depend on the type of material used, most experts suggest that oriental rugs be professionally cleaned every 1-2 years.

As specialists in the field, River City Rug Cleaning is fully equipped and experienced to clean the delicate materials used in the production of oriental rugs. In addition, the firm offers MicroSeal fabric protection, designed to provide greater long-term protection against spots, spills, and UV fading.

About River City Rug Cleaning

First established over 15 years ago, River City Rug Cleaning is now one of the most well-established rug cleaning experts in the greater Memphis region. The firm’s services include cleaning, MicroSeal protection, color correction, moth treatment, and rug pads.

“Our interior designer recommended River City Rug Cleaning after our remodel,” one client recently stated. “The team used MicroSeal to protect our new rugs, along with some of our upholstered pieces, and we've been incredibly pleased with their services. I highly recommend this company and will continue to work with them in the future.”

Give your oriental rug the same care and attention that went into making it. Call the experts at River City Rug Cleaning.

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