Cervicoplasty Vs Platysmaplasty Neck Lift Surgeries: Risks & Results Comparison

Dec 15, 2022

Learn the difference between various types of neck lift surgery, what the risks are, and which option will provide the specific results you want. Dr. Harvey “Chip” Cole, an internationally recognized Oculoplastic and cosmetic surgery specialist, has the answers.

Cervicoplasty Vs Platysmaplasty Neck Lift Surgeries: Risks & Results Comparison

Did you know that a neck lift is not a one-size-fits-all operation?

There are several different ways the procedure can be done, and each one has its own unique risks and will provide different cosmetic results.

While terms like neck lift, cervicoplasty, and platysmaplasty are often used to describe any neck lift procedure by non-experts, to a cosmetic surgeon they mean very different things, and can lead to vastly different outcomes.

This new assessment of cosmetic neck surgery options, from Dr. Harvey “Chip” Cole, III, MD, FACS, draws on over 33 years of experience to explain the risks, variations, and recovery process that you can expect from a neck lift when using the most innovative surgical techniques.

Neck lift surgery, also known as a lower rhytidectomy or platysmaplasty, has been in common use for decades, but recent advances in medical science have allowed cosmetic surgeons to employ new techniques that can produce more customized results. This new assessment explores how these new techniques work, and what the individual risks are for each variation.

Dr. “Chip” Cole examines several popular techniques, that each provide very different aesthetic results, including the deep neck lift, micro neck lift, and a much newer technique known as a Hyo neck lift. While these surgical options are considered quite safe, none of them are entirely without risk.

The assessment explains that, with proper pre-surgical preparation and an experienced surgeon, the chance of complications is quite small. The most common complaint from patients is being displeased with the cosmetic result, though experts believe this is often caused by patients having unrealistic expectations going into the procedure, and it is still relatively uncommon, affecting only 8% of patients.

Unfortunately, while other complications are much less likely, they are still possible. The next most common issue mentioned in the assessment is a hematoma, or blood pooling under the skin. In most cases, a hematoma will only cause minor bruising, which your body will clear up on its own during the healing process.

Dr. “Chip” Cole suggests that you should consult with your surgeon about the specific results you desire, to help determine which type of neck lift procedure is right for you, and what risks it may include.

About Dr. Harvey “Chip” Cole:

Dr. “Chip” Cole has completed over 33,000 surgeries in his more than three decades of experience and has become known internationally as “The Eye Guy,” for his specialization in oculoplastic and cosmetic surgeries of the eye and face. He is an award-winning quadruple board-certified surgeon and best-selling author.

Visit https://oculusplasticsurgery.com to learn more about Dr. "Chip" Cole, popular cosmetic surgeries, and how to get the best results from a neck lift.

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