Call Nashville Road Asphalt Resurfacers For Expert Hot Application Methods

Jun 13, 2023

Whether you need asphalt resurfacing with hot or cold mixing, Gaddes Strategic is the crew to count on. Dial 615-866-2795 now!

If you don’t know your asphalt from your ctrl-alt, call on these trusted Nashville contractors! Music City locals aren’t exactly strangers to the sight of potholes, but luckily, neither is Gaddes Strategic’s expert team.

That’s precisely why Gaddes Strategic’s asphalt resurfacing services are frequently requested throughout Nashville. With decades of experience in the industry, you can rely on the company to know whether hot or cold asphalt resurfacing methods are needed - and why.

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A recent study published by a leading insurance marketplace reveals that Nashville ranks as one of the worst in the US when it comes to road pothole problems. This news won’t come as a surprise to you. Still, these pesky potholes can be fixed: using durable materials, Gaddes Strategic can create a new top layer of asphalt that is more resistant to cracking and potholes.

The basic process of asphalt resurfacing involves removing and replacing the existing asphalt with fresh material. Of course, different application methods will have a real effect on your results. Let Gaddes Strategic explain…

Offering hot asphalt resurfacing, Gaddes Strategic emphasizes that the former option has long been the industry standard. Why? Well, it tends to produce higher-quality results. Hot asphalt resurfacing involves heating the asphalt mixture to high temperatures before it is applied to the pavement surface. The more you know!

Since it can endure heavy loads and resist deterioration, even during harsh weather conditions, opting for hot is recommended for heavily trafficked areas. However, it’s also more expensive. What’s more, it’s typically performed when the days are warmer - in other words, when the asphalt can be adequately heated and applied.

Cold asphalt resurfacing might be your best bet if you need a quicker and more affordable solution. That’s because it uses an asphalt mixture at ambient temperatures and can be applied in all weather conditions. Still, cold resurfacing may not match the overall durability of hot asphalt, especially in extreme weather, and is more susceptible to wear and tear in high-traffic areas.

“The seasonal nature of asphalt resurfacing is very important to understand,” said a company spokesperson. “Cold mixing is a fair short-term solution in harsh weather or when dealing with low traffic intensity but beyond that, hot asphalt resurfacing is the way to go, and businesses should invest in long-term solutions.”

Will it be hot or cold? Head to to learn more.

Gaddes Strategic is a leading provider of thermoplastic pavement markings and asphalt paving services in Nashville, TN. Founded and operated by a team with over 60 years of experience in concrete, asphalt, and dump trucking, the company has completed numerous projects in the local community - is yours next?

Tired of potholes? It’s not your fault; it’s the asphalt! That’s where Gaddes Strategic comes in…

To request a quote, visit today!

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