Best PTSD Holistic Therapy In Hakalau, HI From Luxury Hawaii Rehab Center

Jun 1, 2022

Exclusive Hawaii Rehab (808-775-0200) based in Hakalau, HI offers world-class detox services for alcohol and drug addiction and issues, including anxiety and PTSD.

Best PTSD Holistic Therapy In Hakalau, HI From Luxury Hawaii Rehab Center

You deserve the best help available, in a destination rehab that is known for its world-class amenities and luxury treatments. Here at Exclusive Hawaii Rehab, your health is always a priority and we help you resolve your addiction or mental condition using a holistic approach.

In particular, we work with you if you are currently suffering from PTSD. Experts suggest that approximately 7 to 8 percent of people will experience a degree of PTSD at some point in their lives. In fact, the condition affects nearly 7.7 million American adults each year, with women more likely to develop it after a traumatic ordeal. The top destination for those able to access PTSD treatment in Hawaii remains the Exclusive Hawaii Rehab.

Despite its prevalence, many people remain unaware of the condition and may even advise you to just “snap out of it” when symptoms, such as persistent negative thoughts and constant hyperarousal, appear. With our services, you finally find a safe space where you can openly discuss your feelings and experiences.

We take a holistic approach to wellness. Certain conditions, such as PTSD, drug addiction, and alcohol reliance, are complex illnesses that should be treated using a multi-factorial approach. This includes not only a physical detox but a psychological assessment and a nutritional lifestyle change as well. Our approach to alcohol rehab in Hawaii is unlike any other centers nationwide, and truly takes into account all of our clients' needs, even the right foods, and diet to aid in a lasting recovery.

The last item, especially, is highlighted in our unique services. Empowered by our mission to “heal the core of addiction” through nutritional therapy, we help you make the necessary lifestyle changes to enhance your recovery.

What does that mean for you? This means that we don’t use cookie-cutter strategies in treating your concerns. We listen to you. We make a treatment plan just for you. We help you recover in the most efficient way possible.

We have built and maintained a reputation for world-class services that are based on the latest research on addiction recovery. We understand the complex nature of addiction and mental illness and use nutritional therapy to augment our traditional detox services.

You experience comprehensive, evidence-based holistic therapies that work together to rehabilitate your illness.

New clients are encouraged to schedule an appointment by dialing 808-775-0200 or through our website. To practice social distancing, all physical visits will be followed strictly by appointments.

Those with questions or clarifications may also call the number listed.

We offer the leading drug addiction center in Hawaii, alongside top-tier treatment for alcohol addiction, anxiety, PTSD, eating disorders, and dual diagnoses of all forms.

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