Bake Vegan-Friendly Pies Today With This Online Vegetarian Recipe Cooking Course

Apr 13, 2022

Want to bake delicious vegan pies? Scoop Intelligence offers its pie crust baking course with a free pie recipe guide. Make healthy meals today!

Bake Vegan-Friendly Pies Today With This Online Vegetarian Recipe Cooking Course

Do you want to bake a delicious vegan pie but are afraid of the results? What if we told you that you can have both: a healthy meal that looks and tastes great?

Demystifying the perception that vegan food is bland and unexciting, the team at Scoop Intelligence launches its vegan pie crust baking course. You learn how to make a vegan pie crust that tastes just as good, if not better, than traditional pies.

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The new course comes with a free pie baking guide that contains several vegan-friendly recipes for both adults and children. The goal is to create sumptuous and hearty pies with beautiful, flaky, golden crust using vegan ingredients.

Plant-based cooking has increased in popularity over the last few years as people embrace a more sustainable and environmentally-friendly lifestyle. With more than 10 million vegans in the United States today, it has become all the more important for companies to offer sustainable choices for better food choices. 

One of the main reasons for choosing a plant-based diet is reduced inflammation. Research shows that inflammation is caused by an excess of white blood cells in the body – a natural response to fight off invading foreign cells. However, an overactive inflammatory response can contribute to chronic disorders such as Type 2 diabetes or heart problems. 

One way to reduce inflammation is by increasing your intake of fruits and vegetables. Data proves that eating more of these foods creates an alkaline environment in the body – balancing it all throughout and reducing the inflammatory response. Further details can be found at

Scoop Intelligence is a zero-waste store built on the belief that life should be both healthy and sustainable. They constantly provide digital learning opportunities for anyone committed to becoming leaders in sustainability and building a future in which all humans can thrive.

Their plant-based cooking courses are taught by Stephanie Lentz.

A graduate of our course wrote, "She was very clear with her directions, and she helped all of her students cook delicious meals, even me…the non-cook. Steph provided a new recipe each week, and I was excited to have a collection of tasty recipes by the end of her class."

Don’t let anyone kale your vibe! Eat better food today with this vegan pie baking course. Go to so you can learn more!


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