2023 Breathwork Certification & Online Training Program For Coaches

Aug 18, 2023

Sign up for the September batch of Breathwork Facilitator Training Program today! NeuroDynamic Institute offers a holistic online program that combines 40+ years of breathwork experience in one powerful curriculum!

Are you ready to learn everything you need to become a certified breathwork facilitator? You’re in luck, because there’s an online breathwork training that you can take next month!

The September Breathwork Facilitator Training Program by NeuroDynamic Institute is now open for application. The revolutionary 350-hour online curriculum offers not only the basics of breathwork and intensive personal development but also teaches you how to become a successful breathwork facilitator after six months.

Enroll today at https://breathworkonline.com/breathwork-facilitator-teacher-training-program/

The new breathwork training program will begin on September 2, 2023, and finish on February 2024. While most of the curriculum will be held online, you are required to set up two to three in-person local breathwork sessions in the final two months of the program. Once you complete the program, you will be certified to lead breathwork sessions of any size either online or in person.

The unique breathwork facilitator program combines over 40 years of breathwork facilitating experience and provides valuable insights from renowned guest speakers, Kylea Taylor, MS, LMFT, and Brack Jefferys, PhD, LCHMC, LCAS. This well-rounded breathwork training offers a powerful and science-based breathwork modality that supports you to be able to facilitate your own breathwork sessions.

But you may be wondering - what makes this program so unique?

Well, one of the more unique parts of the program is that a third of the entire curriculum is dedicated to personal development. According to the team at NeuroDynamic Institute, all students must develop a profound understanding of themselves so that they show up as their best version when they facilitate their breathwork sessions.

It’s the only training of its kind that devotes a lot of its time to your personal development. You will learn how to connect to your inner child's mind and how it has subconsciously affected your thinking patterns.

The goal of the breathwork training is for you to leave well-equipped to be breathwork facilitators of your own. Most importantly, you will become confident and empowered in yourself so that you become a more conscious being.

Breathwork training is a new meditation. It is considered one of the more powerful forms of meditation because it focuses on releasing stuck emotions using only the breath and dynamic music.

A spokesperson for the group wrote, "Our breathwork facilitator training program is designed to help you become a more conscious and empowered being. One-third of our program is focused on personal development, using innovative principles to empower you and open you to a deeper understanding of your essential nature."

Go to https://breathworkonline.com/breathwork-facilitator-teacher-training-program/ so you can learn more.

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