Winnipeg Seniors Love All-On-4 Implants Because They Can Eat Whatever They Want!

May 3, 2023

Winnipeg senior denture wearers can get a free consultation at Minuk Digital Denture Centre (204 589 6329) to learn how All-On-4 dental implants will improve their ability to chew for a healthier, more varied diet.

Are your dentures uncomfortable, impractical, and driving you crazy because you can no longer enjoy your favourite foods?

Well, nuts to that! And apples, and steak too.

All-on-4s are an advanced dental solution that gives you a full set of teeth that look, feel, and function just like your natural teeth. A revolution in dentistry, with All-on-4s you can eat whatever you want. So say goodbye to the inconveniences of traditional dentures and hello to a confident, happier, fully satiated you!

At Minuk Digital Denture & Implant Centre in Winnipeg, you can choose between two types of implant-supported dentures: bar-retained over-dentures and removable, ball/locator-retained over-dentures. Each of these prosthetics gives you up to 95% of your natural bite force compared to the 0.5 - 5% bite force traditional dentures provide. Can you smell that steak on the barbie right now? With All-on-4s, you can even pair that with a side of crunchy chips and a plate of crudités.

Find out more and book a free consultation now, at

“With a traditional denture, your bite force is reduced by over 95% and continues to decrease over time. After 15 years, your bite force will decrease by over 99%, leaving you with very few food options,” says Manny Minuk, Denturist at Minuk Digital Denture & Implant Centre. “With All-on-4s, you can eat whatever you want.”

And while no one's knockin' soup, there's also that old saying that goes "Variety is the spice of life." So go for it with All-on-4s!

The difference between traditional dentures and All-on-4s is that the latter is upheld by dental implants, providing far greater stability and convenience. They’re also more comfortable than a traditional denture, will improve your ability to speak and prevent bone loss.

Did you know traditional dentures can cause your mouth to over-close, creating a sunken facial appearance that can make you look years older than you are?

Dental implants stimulate the jaw and help preserve the bone, supporting your natural facial structure. This is because the dental implant in the jawbone acts like a root, preventing jaw shrinkage or bone resorption.

If you choose the screw-retained All-on-4, your prosthetic will be held into place with an attachment that is secured to four-six implants. The All-on-4 restorative system is not removable without the assistance of a qualified professional. There are other implant solutions that are removable without assistance such as, bar-retained or ball/locater-retained dentures on implants. All of which can be discussed with the Denturists at Minuk’s.

Minuk Digital Denture & Implant Centre is Canada’s largest denture clinic. With over 100,000 dentures created since 1977, Manny Minuk and his fellow Denturists have a denture solution to fit your budget and your unique restorative requirements.

Are you ready for dentures that won't interfere with your lifestyle? Learn more at

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