Top Seattle Spa Offers Men With Excessive Unwanted Hair The Benefits Of Sugaring

Feb 8, 2023

The highly trained beauticians at Penelope and the Beauty Bar in downtown Seattle are making it clear: sugaring is an equal opportunity spa treatment men should be booking as often as women do! Book your appointment now at (206-438-1750).

Top Seattle Spa Offers Men With Excessive Unwanted Hair The Benefits Of Sugaring

Men with excessive hair growth don't often talk about their excessive hair growth. And that can lead to trial by error when it comes to hair removal strategies.

Maybe you can relate?

Perhaps you've tried those chemical exfoliating creams that smell like a lab and leave a patchwork of anemic results in their wake. Maybe you gave waxing a whirl once, and discovered a whole new vocal register you never knew you could reach.

Here's the secret to long-lasting, totally effective hair removal: sugaring.

Sugaring is a traditional, non-invasive hair removal option brought to Seattle by luxury spa Penelope and the Beauty Bar. It's more effective than shaving, less painful than waxing, and a more budget-friendly alternative to laser hair removal.

Ready for your appointment? You can make one right now, at

Penelope and the Beauty Bar offers the most advanced skincare and body treatments available today. As specialists in sugaring, they want you to know that an all-natural, long-lasting hair removal treatment that's better for you than shaving and will leave your skin feeling clean and refreshed, is just a spa appointment away.

Remember when spa treatments were not exactly considered an equal opportunity thing? Used to be that men’s treatments were basically a hot towel draped across the face by the barber while women’s treatments were always the more venerated relaxation ritual performed by skilled aestheticians and customized for specific results.

Penelope and the Beauty Bar is changing all that with world-class treatments available to men and women of any age.

Take sugaring. This is a traditional hair removal method the beauticians at Penelope and the Beauty Bar note is especially beneficial to men battling excessive unwanted hair growth.

The treatment uses a gel-like paste made of water, sugar and lemon juice that is tempered until it reaches a consistency appropriate for your requested treatment and your level of skin sensitivity.

The paste is smoothed over your face or body in the direction the hair grows, left to dry, and then removed in the opposite direction, taking with it the entire length of the hair, dead skin cells, and any dirt or debris that had settled into your pores.

Since the mixture adheres to the hairs and not your skin, it’s not as painful as waxing. And by removing the entire hair from the follicle, it delays regrowth. The treatment is gentle, hypoallergenic, and suitable for every area of your face and body.

Every. Area.

The beauticians at Penelope and the Beauty Bar say the benefits sugaring offers men's complexions far outlast those provided by a hot towel. Sugaring also far outweighs painful waxing to produce a sleeker, more defined chest and back.

With same-day appointments and long-lasting results, sugaring treatments at Penelope and the Beauty Bar give you a hair removal regimen destined to become your venerated relaxing hair removal ritual.

Is it time to ditch the creams and razors? Learn more at

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