The Top Toronto Child Care & Education For Cognitive Skills & Social Development

May 6, 2022

Looking for an early years centre that focuses on your child’s all-around learning and wellbeing? Then take a look at the program from EYES Child Care (+1-416-564-0731) in Toronto!

The Top Toronto Child Care & Education For Cognitive Skills & Social Development

When it comes to lifelong learning, there’s more than just the basics of education to consider. To truly set your child on the best path, it’s important to nurture their social and cognitive development as much as teach them their ABCs. At EYES Child Care, each child receives the attention they need to grow and develop at their own pace, discover their own interests, and learn the skills they need to become the best possible people.

The childcare centre is now offering places for 2022 for children across the Greater Toronto Area. EYES Child Care was created to offer care, education and support to children to help their social development.

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Children at the centre have access to learning innovations that focus on building their self-confidence and encouraging empowerment alongside more traditional educational techniques.

Using the Early Years Education System, the centre has created an environment that encourages your child to socialize and develop their cognitive and intellectual skills, as well as following a more traditional education curriculum. By being in a supportive, positive place where they can discover and develop their own interests, your child has the freedom and empowerment to balance learning with creativity and physical activity alongside their peers.

Though classes are taught in groups, teachers make sure to get to know your child and treat them as the individual they are, so that they can discover the best learning style for them, and help them to develop at their own pace. At EYES, your child is prompted to follow their own interests in order to grow their individual skills and abilities in their own time, and use them in other areas.

EYES Child Care covers a range of main core subjects in class, including literacy, mathematics, sciences and languages - all of which begin at an early age and are taught using group discussion techniques designed to encourage engagement and independent thought. Outside of these core topics, children are also allowed the freedom to self-regulate their activities and rest times, to build a routine that suits them and their development.

The curriculum also includes creative and physical aspects, leaving plenty of time for music, singing, arts and crafts, and sports to encourage critical thinking skills that build a solid foundation for other aspects of education. Your child will also be required to take part in simple, real-world chores designed to help prepare them for life outside of education, in addition to activities designed to encourage their discipline and self-control such as meditation and yoga.

EYES Child Care is the early years education centre you can trust to nurture your child’s development, while teaching valuable life skills and the core curriculum.

Ready to learn more? Visit to get in touch.

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