Do you suffer from asthma? Does it affect your quality of life? If you’re ready to take control of your health, Life Wellness Healthcare has a new asthma device for you!
What’s the worst thing about having asthma? Dealing with symptoms at inconvenient times? Or missing out while everyone around you has fun? We know how frustrating asthma can be, which is why we love the AirPhysio asthma management device. It helps to expand your lungs and unblock your airways - it’s ideal if you have asthma or low lung capacity!
The newly launched asthma management device from AirPhysio empowers you to take control of your health. Life Wellness Healthcare is championing the device because it is portable, easy to use, and provides instant relief for the symptoms of asthma and other lung conditions.
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Which asthma symptom bothers you the most? Aside from helping if you have low lung capacity and chronic breathing issues, the newly launched device naturally clears mucus from your airway. Life Wellness Healthcare understands how debilitating asthma can be, which is why it encourages you to use the device. It uses Oscillating Positive Expiratory Pressure (OPEP) to loosen the mucus lining your airway walls.
It aids your body’s natural process for clearing mucus without medication. Life Wellness Healthcare states that anyone with asthma can use the new AirPhysio device. Whether you are elderly, a smoker, or a swimmer. There is also a device specifically for your children. Just like the AirPhysio asthma management device, it helps with lung expansion and mucus removal.
As you probably know, symptoms of asthma can include shortness of breath, a tight feeling in your chest, wheezing, and coughing fits. These symptoms can also affect your sleep. Life Wellness Healthcare states the new device expands your lungs and unblocks your airways, which can ease the symptoms described. Instant access to a treatment device is essential when your symptoms (ranging from mild to severe) develop suddenly.
While you may believe asthma is an autoimmune disease, this is incorrect. The condition is caused by an overzealous response from the immune system. It can be caused by allergens such as dust and pollen. As well as external factors.
A satisfied reviewer said: “I’ve had asthma since I was little and take a regular preventive inhaler each day and evening. I have my asthma under control, however, during seasonal changes (especially spring to summer and autumn to winter) when the temperature fluctuates, I notice I need to increase my medication to be asthma-free.”
“I’d highly recommend this for those with lung issues such as asthma, and those who want to take control of their health and can commit to a routine. Asthma does not need to hold anyone back,” they added.
How does your asthma affect you? Does it strike without warning and leave you short of breath? Or does it keep you awake all night coughing? Whatever your symptoms, this AirPhysio device from Life Wellness Health can help you take control of your health and manage your asthma!
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