Find out the best places to invest in 2022 at this free event, here Adiel Gorel, owner of ICG, has helped people buy thousands of rental properties securing their financial future.
Rental property retirement anxiety can cause us to respond in three ways: fight, flight, and most commonly the freeze reaction in millions deciding they now must plan for retirement, really at any age. Preparing for retirement is a huge mental shift. Retiring itself is a massive cultural shift, where people must in essence provide themselves with a paycheck after decades of relying on regular income month after month. This transition very likely will feel overwhelming to millions, and there is help. To many it’s everything and help is a wonderful thing.
This is something we’ve never done before and our fears are many. And retirement planning in 2022 brings up a lot of fears and anxiety around rental property investing. Such as:
What if I make a big mistake?
How do I know if I will have enough money to live on?
How do I know how many rental properties to buy at any age?
Where should I invest in rental property in 2022?
How many homes can I buy as a married couple or as a single investor?
Millions of us suffering from rental property retirement anxiety will have just spent the vast part of our last three to four decades working at a profession, using the monthly paycheck to provide us with shelter, food, saving, and essentially covering every monetary aspect of our life. Most of us have leaned hard on that paycheck as the lifeblood of our families’ financial well-being. After those decades of operating that way, before retirement, we must find a way to create a monthly paycheck for ourselves from other investments. This element of the retirement transition alone can take us a long time to reconcile with and leave millions of us suffering from rental property retirement anxiety.
There is a different American Dream unfolding before our eyes, and it has to do with providing for our retirement sooner than later. Rather than the traditional 40 years and a gold watch retirement plan, which is growing more defunct by the minute. Millions of us are turning to rental properties as retirement plans, which is a very solid plan. Yet, just like any transition rental property retirement anxiety happens to the best of us. It brings out the pressing need to know how many rental properties to retire at any age and the best part of the answer is that ultimately you are in control of that.
“Facing this economic change with an honest look at retirement planning, millions see traditional retirement plans just won’t provide us with a positive lifestyle. Many wisely choose real estate, particularly single-family home rentals for our retirement planning. This works for investors starting at 25 and at 65. It's doable for all. With the 30-year fixed-rate loan it’s a gift.” -Adiel Gorel, Owner of International Capital Group
Adiel Gorel is hosting a free virtual event for us to answer our questions and of course, relieve the rental property retirement anxiety millions of us feel right now. Experts will speak on every question a new rental property investor may have including the most pressing question of 2022 how many rental properties to retire at any age. Don’t miss out, click Adiel Gorel has helped thousands of investors create Remote Control Retirement Riches, the same name as his book on Amazon.
At International Capital Group investors have capitalized on the best real estate investing strategies to relieve themselves of rental property retirement anxiety safely, soundly, and remotely.
Single-family homes, around 280K in the sunbelt states, near major metropolitan areas to draw in great renters, with a yard, and room for a home office are the darlings of the Remote Control Retirement Riches Plan. Here’s why: single-family homes with a fixed-rate thirty-year mortgage, used as long-term investments, are scalable, and afford us the ability to pay for college education, unexpected expenses, vacations, second homes, and an abundant retirement. These are homes truly within reach of first-time buyers. Adiel Gorel will lay out the Remote Control Retirement Riches Plan at the upcoming free virtual event. Find out how and find out the best places to invest in 2022 at this free event, here, and put an end to rental property retirement anxiety now.
Even the great Warren Buffet says one of his top pieces of advice for people on how to get wealthy is: Get a 30-year fixed-rate loan because the 30-year fixed-rate loan is an unimaginably good investment strategy for you. How’s that for an endorsement on how to eliminate rental property retirement anxiety for you.
Learn how the 30-year fixed-rate loan will turn inflation into a moneymaker for you, and how to ease any rental property retirement anxiety now with the Remote Control Retirement Riches Plan. Join us at this amazing event for using real estate as part of a robust retirement plan here: here