Overdentures For Seniors With Flexible Payment Plan At This Top Manitoba Clinic

May 8, 2023

Don’t let the cost of dentures keep you from accessing the treatment you need. Payment plans at Minuk Digital Denture & Implant Centre (204-589-6329) make implant-supported dentures an affordable solution.

If you're facing the prospect of getting dentures, you are not alone. Over 5 million Canadians rely on dentures to restore their smiles and maintain their oral health. And while traditional dentures have been the go-to solution for many years, implant-supported dentures are now the standard of care.

Dental implants and overdentures offer a range of benefits that can improve your quality of life and give you a renewed sense of confidence you might have thought was gone forever.

Dental implants are an investment in your long-term health that look and function like real teeth; however, they do cost more than traditional dentures. Over the long-term these costs even out, because there are fewer maintenance costs associated with these denture solutions so you'll require fewer refitting, unlike a traditional dentures, implant-supported dentures allow you to eat more of what you like.

So, if you need dentures, don't be limited by finances.

At Minuk Digital Denture & Implant Centre in Winnipeg, you can devise a payment plan that works within your budget so that you can get the smile you want.

Book a free consultation now, and find out more about your options, at https://minukdenture.com/dentalimplants

Dentures are not a choice but a need. If you're coping with broken, decaying or missing teeth, dentures restore your oral health so you can enjoy the good quality of life you're accustomed to. When you partner with the team at Minuk Digital Denture & Implant Centre you can focus on the denture solution that best suits your needs without worrying about financial barriers.

✔ Tell me more! What's an implant?

A dental implant is a titanium fixture placed into the jawbone that replaces the root and fuses together with the bone (osseointegration). It can be used to support a crown, bridge, or denture. Your implant-supported denture options include bar-retained over-dentures, ball/locator retained over-dentures, and All-on-4s.

✔ What are the differences between these options?

Bar-retained over-dentures use a bar attached to two or more implants to secure the denture in place while ball/locator retained over-dentures use sockets that snap onto balls and locators on the gum line. Both options are removable and both provide you with a higher level of stability than a traditional denture.

All-on-4s are a permanent full arch replacement that uses 4-6 implants and a dental bridge to provide a comprehensive upper or lower arch restoration which again, very closely replicates your natural teeth.

✔ What are the benefits?

Over-dentures and All-on-4s restore up to 95% of your bite force, allowing you to eat what you want when you want. They also eliminate the need for denture adhesives, eliminate the potential for denture sores, and restore lost facial support associated with bone and tooth loss - an important advantage that a traditional denture simply can't offer.

With access to your own personal payment plan, Minuk Digital Denture & Implant Centre is doing what they can to alleviate any financial concerns that might accompany your denture journey so you can focus on finding a restorative solution that best meets your needs.

Is it time to invest in you? Learn more at https://minukdenture.com/dentalimplants

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