New Article By The Dental Care Center Corrects Popular Denture Misconceptions

May 20, 2021

The Dental Care Center of Greenville, NC has published a list of the six most common myths surrounding dentures. With the list, we at The Dental Care Center hope to help you understand the truth about dentures.

The Dental Care Center practicing partners, Dr. Stuart Higgins, Dr. George Mani, and Dr. Michael S. Watson, have created a list of the most common myths concerning dentures. Working from our seven different North Carolina locations, the doctors have based the list on their decades of experience and knowledge in the field.

The full list can be found on our website

Dentures might be a good solution if you have lost all or some of your natural teeth due to tooth decay, gum disease, or injury. Dentures can benefit your health and appearance, but people often fear dentures because of some common misconceptions. They will improve your ability to eat and speak, and protect any remaining natural teeth. Let’s put those false rumors about “falsies” to bed because dentures are a great option.

Myth #1: People can tell you are wearing dentures. FALSE.

Dentures are made to resemble your natural teeth. Not only will they resemble your old smile, but they may even improve your smile and appearance! When you lose your teeth, your facial muscles may begin to sag, making your face appear older. Dentures can help improve your profile by providing that support in your face.

Myth #2: It’s hard to eat while wearing dentures. FALSE.

You may have heard that wearing dentures restricts your diet, but it is quite the opposite. Many foods are difficult to consume without teeth. Some foods can be cooked so they are softer, but there are many foods that cannot. If you notice that your dentures are becoming loose or not fitting well while eating, it may be time to get a new pair or consult with your dentist.

Myth #3: Now that I have dentures, I don’t need the dentist anymore. FALSE.

This is one of the most common misconceptions, and it is absolutely not true. Your dentist checks more than just your teeth, so your overall oral health is at stake if you stop going to the dentist. We check your gums, tongue, oral tissue, and the walls of your mouth to detect early onset of oral diseases. Also, we will inspect your dentures for proper care, and you may have some questions about oral health we can answer.

Have you heard any other myths about dentures? Please let us know, and we will bust those myths as well. Are you curious whether or not you need dentures? Contact us today to schedule an appointment

For more information on The Dental Care Center and our services, call 888-978-1779 or visit the link above.

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