Mental Health Podcast Talks About Environmental Psychology & Emotional Wellbeing

Feb 6, 2023

Build emotional resilience and improve your mental health with the latest episode of “Finding Your Spark Again” by Donnalynn Riley! You will learn how to purposely find joy, change your mindset, and embody a higher vibration to attract and manifest happiness!

Mental Health Podcast Talks About Environmental Psychology & Emotional Wellbeing

You can be happy today with little steps that make a big difference. One of the easiest ways to shift your mood is to shift your environment: take stock of where you are right now. Is your room messy? Is there a lot of clutter? These things may be affecting your mental health and preventing you from feeling the joy that you so rightly deserve.

Find your spark again with the latest podcast by Donnalynn Riley called “How to Make My House Feel Like a Joy-Filled Home” with her guest Joanne Riley.

The emotional intelligence episode details simple tips that you can use today to create a joy-filled home. According to the Rileys, things around the house, from furniture placement to even how books are arranged in a cabinet, can impact mood and emotions.

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Donnalynn Riley discusses the importance of purposely choosing joy in your life, including being aware of how your home looks like. Most people become too fixated on their internal state that they forget that emotions are influenced by their external environment as well.

In fact, recent studies suggest that environmental psychology, or the interaction between you and the space you inhabit, directly influences brain chemistry. Scientists have found that the interplay between lighting, colors, acoustics and other living elements contributes to how you feel! A cluttered environment or a home that is not well-lit can cause you to feel trapped and unsafe, contributing to a higher chance of a mental illness such as depression or anxiety.

It makes sense, right? Your external world directly dictates your internal one. So, make sure you’re physically in a safe place first before you even try feeling better inside.

The latest episode in “Finding Your Spark Again” talks about the various ways you can use to declutter your home to ensure better mental health. Most importantly, Donnalynn expresses the need to “find joy” by removing everything that is no longer serving your higher good.

About Donnalynn Riley

Aside from her podcast series, Donnalynn is also the founder of the Joyous on Purpose Club, a mental health positivity community focused on building emotional resilience. The membership community guides people to choose joy every day.

Donnalynn writes, "Most of us, if not all, thought of what our dream house would look like. A home where you have your favorite space where you feel safe, warm, and free. A home where you live in harmony with your family or the people you are with having the best spot of their own that they can’t wait to go home rest and recharge as much as you do. But what if you can’t have your dream house yet? Is it still possible to have a joy-filled home?"

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