Manitoba Seniors Getting A Better Smile With All-On-4 Fixed Implant Dentures

Feb 14, 2023

Denturists at Minuk Denture Clinic say All-on-4s is the best option for seniors who don’t want the pain and inconvenience that comes with denture adhesive.

Manitoba Seniors Getting A Better Smile With All-On-4 Fixed Implant Dentures

Did you know almost 90% of people with traditional removable dentures say their dentures make it difficult for them to speak? Or that traditional dentures, reduce your bite force by over 95% and will continue to decrease over time? What does that leave for food options, soup?

Fortunately, thanks to the many advancements in the denture realm, now you have options.

Have you heard of All-on-4s?

All-on-4 dental implants are permanent dentures that look and function like real teeth and will not interfere with your ability to speak and eat. You can book a free consultation with Minuk Digital Denture & Implant Centre in Winnipeg to learn more and begin laying the foundations for this life-changing process right now.

Find out more and book your free consultation now at

All-on-4s are a remarkable procedure involving only four dental implants precisely placed on the upper and or lower jaw upon which a fixed denture is placed.

The procedure is generally suited to most seniors needing dentures, but you'll need a consultation and assessment to ensure you're indeed a good candidate for the procedure, and so the denturists at Minuk can begin formulating your treatment plan.

All-on-4s rest on implants, which are tiny titanium screws that integrate with the jawbone, replacing the root. A full denture arch is then attached to produce a highly functioning realistic-looking smile. All-on-4 permanent dentures require only four-6 implants on the upper and or lower jaw - not a whole sequence - to support full sets of fixed dentures.

Denturists at Minuk Denture clinic explain that the titanium screws fuse to the jawbone, preventing bone loss and facial sagging as a result of missing teeth. They say clients benefit from permanent dentures that look and function like real teeth and can last a long time with proper maintenance and care.

The technique improves your appearance, is more comfortable than traditional dentures, does not interfere with speaking or eating certain foods, and has a 98% success rate. Want a steak for dinner? With these ingenious pearly whites, you can have steak every night if you feel like it. Balance that off with a crunchy apple for breakfast, and you're golden!

A recent client says, “I wore dentures for three years and always found them painful and inconvenient. You have changed my life. Thank you all from the bottom of my heart for my new smile. You gave me a permanent solution to what I thought was going to be a lifelong problem.”

Are you ready to look and feel great? Learn more at

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