Learn Interesting Facts About Your Tongue

Nov 16, 2022

Find out how The Dental Care Center helps patients understand facts about their tongue.

Learn Interesting Facts About Your Tongue

An article covering the subject of 'Many different facts about a person's tongue' entitled '5 Fun Facts About Your Tounge' has now been released and published by The Dental Care Center, an authority website in the General Family Dentistry niche. The article brings fascinating information, especially for anybody interested in proper dental hygiene. Read the entire article here.

The five fun facts include:

1. Brushing teeth won't help bad breath.

2. The average tongue is 10 centimeters in length.

3. Tongue's have more than 2,000 tastebuds.

4. Tongue piercing's can be dangerous for oral health

5. Taste buds are tools for survival

The article provides a detailed overview of how these facts can help patients understand the importance of the tongue and how it serves a vital purpose for proper dental hygiene. For example, tastebuds can help determine whether what is being swallowed is safe. Awareness of how a tongue function is extremely important in determining how the human body functions.

The following exert from the article provides readers a look at why tongue piercings may be dangerous:

"If you’re considering piercing your tongue, cheeks, or lips, make sure you’ve got great oral health habits. Because your mouth contains millions of bacteria, it’s easy for new piercings to get infected and swell. The jewelry is a choking hazard and can chip teeth if you accidentally bite it too hard."

With location's all across North Carolina, The Dental Care Center offers excellent care from experienced and knowledgeable dentists and hygienists. Services include General & Preventive Dentistry, Cosmetic Dentistry, and Restorative Dentistry. The Dental Care Center provides an outstanding experience regardless of the service, location, or patient.

To learn more about The Dental Care Center and its locations and services, readers are encouraged to visit The Dental Care Center's website.

Anyone interested in reading the article in full is encouraged to click the link here.

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