Learn How A Quality Air Purifier Could Save You Money – Online Retailer Explains

Dec 10, 2021

If you’re on the fence about air purification systems, EPA-certified supplier Think Air Purifiers provides you with some hard evidence about the health and financial benefits.

The science has been pretty conclusive for a long time. Quality air purification devices can stop a range of airborne particles such as viruses and bacteria. But as the online retailer points out, the benefits don’t stop there.

Go to https://thinkairpurifiers.com/blogs/news/are-air-purifiers-worth-it for more information.

While some people suggest that these systems are a waste of money, this new article actually shows that the opposite may be true. When you factor in the savings in medical bills and lost productivity, you could actually be better off.

In the first instance, Think Air Purifiers explains the costs involved in purchasing an air purification unit. The retailer quite rightly states that devices can have a wide variation in cost depending on quality. You get what you pay for, after all.

However, as an indication, the author identifies a reputable manufacturer’s base model with a HEPA-type filter as costing approximately $700, while a different technology unit from another company costs approximately $1,000.

For the purposes of the analysis, the retailer suggests an average price of $850, before explaining that the cost for you to operate a unit over a 5-year period would be somewhere in the region of $500. Once potential maintenance is taken into account, the author concludes a total cost of $1,850 over 5 years, or $370 per year. You can see the detailed breakdowns in the article.

Having already identified the proven health benefits of air purification devices, the article next examines the potential savings that you could achieve. In addition to the direct advantages, such as reduced medical expenditure, the author also suggests that indirect benefits, such as improved productivity and positive psychological outcomes, should also be taken into account.

The report concludes by stating that, when quality air purification systems are examined, the potential benefits offered to you are considerable.

Think Air Purifiers supply many of the higher quality systems discussed in the new report. The Austin Air HealthMate uses medical-grade HEPA filters capable of removing a range of airborne particles such as viruses, bacteria, chemicals, gases and odors. Learn more about the company’s products at:https://thinkairpurifiers.com/products/austin-air-healthmate-air-purifier

The retailer is an EPA-certified ‘Indoor Air Quality Expert’ and can provide you with advice on the most suitable system for your needs. Their new article is just one in a free series that explains this amazing technology in more depth.

Don’t make your mind up about air purifiers before you check out their website. Click on https://thinkairpurifiers.com/products/austin-air-bedroom-machine-air-purifier so you can learn more.

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