Learn About The Latest Online B2B Payment Technologies With This FinTech Podcast

Apr 19, 2022

Is your business staying abreast of the latest payment technology trends? Learn what the future holds with regular podcasts from B2B Vault.

Learn About The Latest Online B2B Payment Technologies With This FinTech Podcast

The online payment space is rapidly evolving, and if your clients aren’t yet asking for advanced payment methods, they will be soon. Add to that the increasing cyber security and fraud threats, and you will understand just how complex the online payment space has become.

Go to https://b2bvault.info for more information.

The B2B Vault podcast brings all of this information together in one place, providing you with regular updates and discussion pieces that equip you to make more informed decisions. Whether it’s making your company more efficient with the latest payment innovations or protecting your data, this podcast is your all-in-one FinTech resource.

So, what’s the whole FinTech thing about? Well, FinTech is a portmanteau of the words ‘finance’ and ‘technology’, and it’s actually not that new. However, recent technological innovations have seen hundreds of billions of dollars invested in the sector in the past few years. Cryptocurrency is, of course, the most obvious change that you will have heard lots about. However, the industry also encompasses developments in machine learning and data science.

Staying abreast of these changes is of importance to your business, not just from a customer service standpoint, but also due to the increasing concerns around cyber security. With multiple episodes streamed and posted each week, B2B Vault now helps you navigate this complex subject and understand how those issues are related to you and your operation.

Now at 67 episodes, the channel has already covered a wide variety of topics. Some of the more recent discussions include ‘Today’s Subscription Economy’, ‘How To Protect Your E-Commerce Business’, and ‘Digital Commerce Payment Processing’. All previous podcasts can be accessed via the channel’s website, so you can listen again as many times as you want.

About Allen Kopelman

After 20 years in the merchant services industry, podcast host Allen Kopelman established B2B Vault as a means to share his wealth of knowledge with other business owners. The serial entrepreneur also co-founded the credit card processing firm Nationwide Payment Systems Inc. in 2001, which now supports clients from all over the US.

Mr. Kopelman recently stated: “Payments have been innovating for the last 20 years, and there have been huge changes since I have begun in the business. Still, in the previous 3-5 years, there have been some seismic shifts, and FinTech is rapidly evolving. We talk about how to bring FinTech to your business and how to let your customers pay the way they want to pay.”

The payment technology landscape is complex, but B2B Vault helps you understand how these changes can be used to your advantage.

Bring yourself up to speed today. Click on https://b2bvault.info so you can learn more.

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