Have Professional Textile Cleaners in Southwind, TN Color Correct Your Area Rug

Mar 14, 2023

Is your cherished area rug looking faded and sad? Contact the River City Rug Cleaning (901-341-7847) team in Southwind, TN to find out if color correction could breathe new life into its fibers!

Have Professional Textile Cleaners in Southwind, TN Color Correct Your Area Rug

Keep oriental and antique rugs looking their best for as long as possible - the industry professionals at River City Rug Cleaning are trained to care for silk, wool, and synthetic textiles!

The local service provider recommends you schedule a session with a pro if you have not had your area rug color corrected or cleaned in the past two years in order to maintain optimal coloration.

Contact the team by visiting https://www.rivercityrugcleaning.com

River City Rug Cleaning’s services combine the rejuvenating power of fiber color correction with the protective properties of MicroSeal.

The company explains that, if you leave them in direct sunlight for too long, your area rugs can become permanently discolored, as the structure of the fiber deteriorates and become too weak to hold any new dye. However, damage and fading to your rugs can also be caused by spills and improper cleaning methods that result in the colors bleeding into each other.

To reduce the effects of wear and tear, the cleaning company’s team of qualified technicians can offer you routine rug color correction. Its experienced textile cleaning professionals will inspect your rug to assess its condition and devise a plan to revitalize its look. The effects of this service can be prolonged through the application of MicroSeal, a rug sealant capable of reducing the fading caused by UV rays.

The team can also offer you advice on steps you can take to minimize the impact of sunlight, such as utilizing blinds and drapes to protect your antique or high-value rugs.

In addition to synthetics, River City has experience color-correcting oriental and antique area rugs which are typically made from natural materials such as wool or silk. These delicate fibers require expert care and particular attention to replenish their colors without causing further damage to them.

A spokesperson for the company said, “No matter what part of the world your rug comes from we have the correct cleaning solutions. At River City Rug Cleaning, we provide you with professional cleaning at an affordable price. Our detail-oriented team are true professionals."

River City Rug Cleaning has been delivering oriental rug color correcting services in Southwind, TN for over 15 years - call 901-341-7847 today to schedule an at-home professional textile cleaning appointment!

Browse the full range of services by visiting https://www.rivercityrugcleaning.com

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