Get The Best SEL Curriculum To Mitigate Anti-Social Behavior In High Schoolers

Oct 10, 2022

You may have noticed – even in yourself! – that bad behavior is typically just a plea for love and attention. Or some kind of validation of that person’s identity. ‘Acting out’ means nothing more! Call Hope Rising (405-676-4140) – find better solutions!

Get The Best SEL Curriculum To Mitigate Anti-Social Behavior In High Schoolers

The most frequent disciplinary issues in American high schools include disrespect, defiance, bullying, and aggression. A student's behavior may be impacted by a poor family situation, peer pressure, or racial/cultural pressures.

Hope Rising has updated its ‘My Best Me’ curriculum to tackle the problem of misbehavior among high school students - especially those who were not afforded Social Emotional Learning opportunities earlier in their schooling. Teachers and parents sometimes have a tendency to "punish" children rather than deal with the underlying issues that lead to their troublesome behavior - such as difficulties with emotional expression, social interaction, and impulse control.

If you teach high school, you confront this problem every day. But since you know this is all about emotions going haywire, you want better solutions than conventional disciplinary measures.

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Hope Rising’s revised SEL curriculum for high school students - the group has comprehensive course plans for every grade level - incorporates and extends the life skills taught in earlier modules to make them applicable to teenagers. These are some of the most fraught, but pivotal years in a young person’s life: distractions abound and emotions are more difficult to manage.

You can view a sample lesson at

Traditionally, as students get older schools have placed less emphasis on social-emotional learning - in part because of logistics and scheduling requirements. However, one major hurdle is neurological and biological - as kids’ brains and bodies change, educators face different sets of challenges. The connections between the emotional portion of the brain and the decision-making center are still forming in adolescent brains. Students push the envelope during their adolescent years. They require greater direction on how to make moral decisions and develop their identities, say experts.

However, the principles of SEL apply - misbehavior falls and academic learning accelerates when kids have positive peer interactions and the opportunity to practice their social, emotional, and cognitive skills in a supportive environment. Hope Rising’s age-appropriate curriculum addresses the high school years with two successive curriculums, dubbed Alpha and Omega, rather than one for each year - as with previous grade levels.

Hope Rising’s high school lesson plans take into account the growth changes that help to drive teenagers’ elevated appetites for exploration and risk. These same developments produce mood swings, causing them to experience irritability, depression, and anxiety - emotional turbulence that was exacerbated by Covid-19. As a result, research has shown a surge of interest in SEL among school district leaders, more than half of whom say social-emotional learning has become a focus for them in grades 9-12.

Hope Rising has created a private Facebook group for you to share ideas and collaborate with one another. The group will also provide additional training, and allow for program feedback.

No, you can't exactly cure the high school blues - but you can make real inroads in curbing bad behavior and teaching kids self-management techniques. And that can only work when you - and they - commit to an environment of active listening and open sharing of frustrations, ideas, and anxieties about the future.

Go to and make that commitment - or call 405-676-4140 and see what Hope Rising can do for your school!

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