Get The Best Schooling On Sales & Staying Afloat In Modern Business Every Week

May 30, 2021

Get the inside track from the entrepreneurial experts. Tracy Brinkman’s Dark Horse Entrepreneur Podcast is your new best friend in building a business and proving the doubters wrong.

Want to get expert education every week to help grow your entrepreneurial venture? Subscribe to the Dark Horse Entrepreneur Podcast today!

Dark Horse Schooling, business strategy and entrepreneur education specialists based in Jackson, WI, have launched an updated podcast for their subscribers. The Dark Horse Entrepreneur podcast offers you expert guidance on topics such as entrepreneurship, sales, marketing, personal development, and leadership.

Don't feel defeated when the odds are stacked against your business – start competing with the big players with guidance from the Dark Horse Podcast. More details here

The Dark Horse Entrepreneur Podcast is full of expertly curated educational content, including how you can start, build and monetize your own podcast to increase your revenue streams and grow your business venture to the next level.

The popularity of the podcast format continues to grow year on year. On Apple podcasts alone there were 1.96 million shows as of March 2021. This number is up by 1.5 million since 2018 which shows the rate at which the format's creative versatility and marketing potential are being harnessed by users.

The Dark Horse Entrepreneur Podcast collates interviews with successful entrepreneurs and thought leaders who share insights, tips, and techniques on how to overcome adversity in business and succeed over the long term.

The podcast is suitable for beginners as well as more experienced business professionals and provides expert education on building passive revenue streams in the modern era, as well as sales and growth strategies for 'bricks and mortar' businesses.

The shows are designed to help you overcome obstacles on your business journey, ensuring entrepreneurs like you have the tools to stay motivated and achieve goals.

Recent episodes include Social Media Trends To Watch, Email and Influence Building and Turning Your Hobby Into A Legitimate Business.

Dark Horse Schooling's newly updated podcast is hosted by Tracy Brinkman, who brings years of experience in entrepreneurship, productivity strategy, and developing a tough mindset to find solutions to business growth. To learn more go to

Tracy says, “Dark Horse Entrepreneur is focused on those dark horses that want to kickstart or step up their business game, all with a personal development twist.”

The podcast is available on Apple Podcasts and can also be accessed through the Dark Horse Schooling website.

With the launch of their newly updated podcast, Dark Horse Schooling continues to make expert business education accessible for entrepreneurs like you everywhere.

Put some magic and motivation back in your marketing. Learn how the best is yet to come with the Dark Horse Entrepreneur Podcast.

Go to and subscribe to the Dark Horse Entrepreneur Podcast now, if you need a weekly boost of brand-building knowledge and tips on how to survive the trials of being an entrepreneur in the modern era!

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