Get Prayers & Holy Mass For Your Family, Work & Life Issues In El Calvario, TX

Aug 6, 2020

Do you want to request prayers for your loved ones, or a situation going on in your life? If you’re in the El Calvario then this new service is for you!

With this secure new prayer request form, El Calvario residents can get prayer and Holy Mass for their needs. Whatever issues you have going on in life, The Bethany Center is there to help.

The newly launched service is part of their commitment to giving back to the local community and trying to raise awareness for those in need.

A new prayer request service has been launched by The Bethany Center in the parish of El Calvario. It aims to help you to get the aid and support you need. A confidential form is provided for anyone seeking prayers for health, their job, family or other areas.

More information can be found at:

By entering your request in the provided form, priests will pray and offer Holy Mass for your needs. The request is a secret trust, fully confidential, and there is never a charge.

The Bethany Center of Community Promotion, or CEPROCOBE, was created in 2012 as a new initiative with the aim to evangelize through the service of charity to the most needy people.

The core focus of the Bethany Center is to work together with local residents to build a more equal society. The center is open to all people regardless of their creed, because they state that the reign of God transcends belief systems.

Some of the most pressing needs that the parish seeks to overcome are poverty, the marginalization of people, the meager opportunities for much of the youth to study, undernourishment of children and more.

Now they aim to identify high-risk situations and propose a series of programs to provide long-lasting and life-changing results. While praying to God, the team puts its best foot forward.

The Bethany Center states: “Encouraged by our faith in Christ, life in abundance for the people, Bethany Center offers programs which help to combat the hunger of children and adults, as well as sickness or lack of education.”

“The programs of the Bethany Center aim at being spots where an effort is being made to live these dimensions, thus promoting true living together of people. We believe there is room for all without exclusion.”

They also have social outreach programs planned, and invite local residents to show solidarity with those who have less.

You can find out more on the URL above, or by checking out the next issue of the Provincial bulletin.

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