Get Natural-Looking & Long-Lasting Dental Implants At Leading Plano Clinic

Feb 9, 2023

Did you know that, by the age of 50, the average American has lost 12 permanent teeth? Leading dental practice Millennium Smiles (972-987-4899) is tackling the issue with its advanced dental implant services.

Get Natural-Looking & Long-Lasting Dental Implants At Leading Plano Clinic

Someone told me to put my money where my mouth is, so I asked my dentist for gold fillings. My dentist put caps on my teeth, and now I can’t stop shouting. Yes, bad jokes, but they still give us a chuckle. Unless, of course, you’re embarrassed about a missing tooth. Millennium Smiles has moved well beyond gold fillings, offering advanced dental implants that make even the worst dad jokes a reason to laugh.

You can now choose from either zirconium or porcelain prosthetics, which can provide you with decades of perfectly natural-looking tooth replacement. Of course, the practice also uses medical-grade titanium, designed specifically to be bio-friendly, so it fuses better with the living tissues in your mouth.

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In addition to lower self-esteem, Millennium Smiles highlights several potential health concerns that could occur if you are missing one or more teeth. The practice's dental implant service provides you with a modern and reliable solution that will not only have you laughing at dad jokes again but will also improve your health.

Missing teeth can have several follow-on effects, including changes to the shape of your mouth and face, alterations in your bite, and a weakened jawbone caused by bone loss. As a result, prosthetic dentistry should play an integral role in managing your overall health, Harvard Medical School states.

Millennium Smiles also points to statistics from the US Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC), which reveal that the average American has lost 12 permanent teeth by the age of 50. As a result, the practice believes that many of us could be at risk of additional health problems, which you can easily prevent with their advanced implant service.

The latest procedure involves securely embedding a permanent titanium rod in your jawbone, which can prevent further bone loss, as well as stabilizing surrounding bone and gums. An abutment and prosthetic tooth are then fitted to the implant, with the most recent techniques offering you a highly natural appearance, along with greater levels of durability.

About Millennium Smiles

Advanced dental implants form part of a comprehensive suite of dentistry services currently available at Millennium Smiles. Working from its Main Road and Lebanon Road offi es, the practice offers 24/7 emergency treatment, dental crowns, routine dentistry, veneers, TMJ therapy, obstructive sleep apnea appliances, and more.

One patient recently stated: “Thank goodness I came across this Millennium Smiles. The dentist is so sweet, and you can tell that she genuinely cares about her patients. The office is also beautiful, and all the staff is very kind and helpful. Millennium Smiles went above and beyond for my husband and sent him home pain-free.”

Don’t look down in the mouth when someone tells a dad joke. Restore your laugh and good health with advanced dental implants from Millennium Smiles!

Speak to the team today. Check out so you can learn more.

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