Find A New Position & Career Opportunity With Tigard, OR Outplacement Services

Apr 11, 2022

Tigard, Oregon’s CareerMakers (503-699-3192) can help you to start a brilliant new career with their expert outplacement services.

Find A New Position & Career Opportunity With Tigard, OR Outplacement Services

In the wake of the Covid crisis and with the economy in continued turmoil, CareerMakers knows that the prospect of finding a new job or career seems more intimidating and hopeless than ever. Luckily, however, their career coaching experts can set job seekers on the path toward employment greatness. 

Working both with individuals on a one-on-one basis and with companies who have had to let go of employees due to restructuring, mergers, or other transformative changes, CareerMakers are better equipped than ever to help job seekers secure a meaningful new position. 

Go to to find out more.

The latest statistics from the World Economic Forum suggested that the Covid-19 pandemic and the subsequent lockdowns and economic crises it has triggered have caused 114 million people to lose their jobs globally, many of which are still unemployed.

With entire industries having to completely pivot their business models or, in some cases, close entirely, CareerMakers understands that many people in the Portland area, like yourself, have been forced out of longstanding positions and lines of work.

As such, with their outplacement services, they hope to empower you to find a suitable new career. Using extensive research into the job market and combining this with years of experience in career coaching, the firm can direct you to the most suitable employment opportunities, including in cutting-edge new and emerging fields of work. 

Considering your existing skillset and work experience, CareerMakers focuses on how you can build new career skills. They also cover job hunting fundamentals by offering you interview, job posting navigation, networking and resume writing training and coaching. 

Although it works primarily with unemployed individuals, the firm advocates highly for outplacement services for companies in order to preserve their reputation and the goodwill of their previous employees. 

For new companies or restructuring ones that are looking for new employees, the firm can also extend its expertise to ensure they go on to select the best hire or hires from the available pool of candidates. 

CareerMakers is the career coaching home of national employment expert, speaker and author Peter Paskill. The firm is the culmination of 40 years of industry experience.

A spokesperson for CareerMakers said, “Our personalized service and results-driven program allow for compassion, caring and empathy and address specific situations challenging to the individual and to the company.”

In this employment climate you can’t leave job seeking to chance, instead let CareerMakers help you define, find and get a new job that you really love.

Visit to see how they can help you or your employees transition into a new line of work.

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