Faith-Based Entrepreneurs’ Self-Help Podcast Fosters Business & Personal Success

Nov 16, 2021

Are you an entrepreneur struggling with burnout? Are you looking for ways to achieve your business goals and still have time for your health, family, and spiritual development? Giant Builders offers you strategies to build the “giant” of your business without sacrificing your personal well-being, family relationships, or faith.

As an entrepreneur, you know there are many "giants" in your life besides your business competing for your attention -- your health, your family relationships, and your finances, to name just a few. If you have ever struggled to keep up with it all, Giant Builders can provide you with resources and tools to help you stop struggling and start juggling with skill!

The new podcast series aims to help you overcome burnout and work on building "the four pillars of life" - spirituality, health, family life, and business success.

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The podcast will be of interest to you if you're a business owner looking for ways to achieve work-life balance and prioritize your family time.

Host Lois Wyant encourages listeners to share their unique experiences, learn from each other, and grow together through authentic self-presentation. She strives to model this ideal in every episode by sharing her own stories as a mother, wife, Christian, and business owner.

The first episode focused on the pillars of spirituality and family life with an interview featuring marriage coach and pastor Jerry McColgin, author of "Shocking Marriage." The book helps you put a framework in place to keep the spark of your marriage alive and improve communication. Lois and Jerry shared their personal experiences as they discussed the elements of a successful marriage. Three complimentary copies of the book were made available to listeners who left comments on the YouTube video of the interview.

On the podcast, you also will find a review of the classic marketing guide, "The New Rules of Marketing and PR." The episode discussed marketing tactics to help you keep your product or service from getting lost in the digital clutter. The strategies included how you can use social media to build relationships with prospects, how to make your products or services share-worthy, and how you can create content focused on solving your customers’ problems.

Wyant was inspired to found Giant Builders after reflecting on all the "giants" she had built in her life - her husband, her children, her own business, and her faith. In the new podcast series, she brings her passion for "building giants" to other entrepreneurs of faith looking for ways to level up in various areas of their life.

A spokesperson has said: "Giant Builders is an organization dedicated to helping people discover their greatness and unlock and uncover their potential so they can reach the peak of success and make an impact on their generation."

Are you hungry for fresh ideas on how to grow as an individual and a business owner? Are you ready to build your giant?

Visit or so you can start working on the pillars of your success today!

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