EI School Curriculum: Hope-Based Strategies For Trauma-Affected Students

Apr 9, 2023

As the prevalence of childhood trauma has become increasingly clear recently, so too has the need for emotional intelligence programming to help students overcome adversity. Hope Rising’s EI curriculum, “My Best Me”, fosters hope in students to help them achieve a brighter future.

EI School Curriculum: Hope-Based Strategies For Trauma-Affected Students

For students struggling to perform academically, stay focused in class, and engage in healthy, respectful dialogue with classmates and teachers, the culprit may very likely be childhood trauma.

Hope has been proven to be one of the most powerful tools for overcoming the adverse effects of traumatic childhood experiences.

Thankfully, Hope Rising's emotional intelligence curriculum, "My Best Me", actively teaches students how to be hopeful through practical skills they can develop and nurture.

Want to learn more? Just go to https://hoperisingedu.com/the-science-of-hope/

✦ Trauma & Resilience ✦

In over 2,000 studies on illness, trauma, and resilience, hope has proven to be the most predictive indicator of well-being in a person's life. Adverse childhood experiences (ACEs) are directly linked to a low level of hope, creating a lack of self-esteem, difficulty trusting and building healthy relationships, and a negative outlook for the future.

Low levels of hope correlate with high levels of stress, anxiety, and depression in students, all of which inhibit their ability to learn and perform academically.

✦ The Power of Hope ✦

Hope Rising's EI curriculum offers K-12 classrooms a student-focused EI program that fosters hope as a means of buffering adversity and thriving in the face of childhood trauma. "My Best Me" teaches students a three-step hope-building method of setting positive goals, creating actionable pathways to those goals, and cultivating the personal willpower they need to accomplish their goals.

In addition to the three-step goal achievement method, students learn to identify and appreciate their individual strengths, which promotes healthy self-esteem and a positive outlook.

"My Best Me" uses interactive projects to teach students how to build skills that lead to higher levels of hope. Through a series of structured lessons, students reflect on their identity, personality, and role in relationships, providing a stable sense of self.

Students also learn how to maintain order in their mental, emotional, and physical health. Additionally, "My Best Me" teaches students techniques for having healthy interactions with classmates, teachers, family members, and strangers.

✦ About Hope Rising ✦

Hope Rising depends on scientific research and qualitative evidence to develop and evolve its award-winning emotional intelligence curriculum, "My Best Me". The company's website features clear explanations of its curriculum offerings and additional education on the science of hope, emotional intelligence, childhood adversity, and more through its original blog content.

Want to learn more and preview Hope Rising's award-winning hope-based EI curriculum, "My Best Me"? Get started by visiting https://hoperisingedu.com/the-science-of-hope/

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