Danforth Alternative Chronic Pain Management Therapy: Get Osteopathic Treatment

Mar 5, 2024

Call Isomatic Integrative Health Centre at +1-647-812-8156 for an osteopathy session that will dramatically reduce your pain!

Whether you're dealing with migraine or back pain, it can be incredibly frustrating when the standard treatment approaches don't get the results you want. Isomatic Integrative Health Centre offers expert osteopathy treatments to help you feel your best.

Book your first session at https://isomatic.ca/low-backpain-promotion-danforth-toronto/

Whole-person treatments

If you book a consultation with Isomatic Integrative Health Centre, you will get a thorough assessment that will inform the treatment approach - focusing on a ‘whole person’ solution instead of only on symptom relief. Your consequent treatment will then include moving, stretching, and massaging of your muscles and joints.

According to a recent CNN report, cases of chronic pain among US adults now outnumber incidents of diabetes, depression, and high blood pressure. Traditional pain medications carry risks and are sometimes ineffective, but osteopathy provides a drug-free alternative.

Encourage natural healing

Your initial evaluation will establish your thorough health history and physical assessment, and your first hands-on treatment will last around an hour, Isomatic Integrative Health Centre says. The team will locate tender spots or tense areas to loosen your joints, with the treatment being meant to encourage your body’s natural ability to heal itself.

The centre says that some patients report significant relief after just one or two visits - but those with long-term chronic pain may require up to 10 visits over a few months to achieve optimal results.

In addition to osteopathic treatments, the team offers exercises, postural advice, and nutritional consulting - alongside complementary therapies like acupuncture. The multidisciplinary approach also focuses on teaching you how to better manage your health for long-term wellness.

What are patients saying?

One recent patient said: “Having tried numerous therapies for chronic headaches which never had lasting effects, I decided to try osteopathy. After the first visit to Andrew, I could already feel a difference in my neck and upper back.”

About The Owner

Known for his effective natural treatments for headaches, migraine, and nerve pain, Andrew Chan at Isomatic Integrative Health Centre's managing practitioner Andrew Chan has been ranked as a top osteopathic clinician for four consecutive years. The osteopathic expert has been featured on CBS, Fox, the Globe and Mail, Digital Journal, Google News, and UBC News.

If you’ve been struggling to get good pain relief results with traditional methods, you should give osteopathy a try!

Go to https://isomatic.ca/greektown-danforth-in-toronto/ for fast, effective pain relief!

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