Learn everything you need to know about congenital muscular torticollis with the new e-book by Dr. Philipps-Williams.
Congenital muscular torticollis means that your baby often tilts their head in an odd position, usually on one side. Some of the more common symptoms include trouble moving the head and a firm, small lump in the middle of the neck muscle. If you notice any of these signs or just intuitively feel that there is something wrong with your baby, it’s best to see your pediatrician right away.
You can also refer to this new book by Dr. Philipps-Williams at http://infanttorticollis.info
Dr. Philipps-Williams' e-book, “Parents’ Guide to Congenital Muscular Torticollis”, discusses congenital muscular torticollis (CMT), its symptoms, how to detect it early in infants, and innovative treatment options available today. Specifically, Dr. Philipps-Williams shares her expertise as a professional healthcare professional to help you make more informed decisions about your child’s well-being.
CMT, otherwise known as infant head tilt, is a medical condition that shortens the neck muscles and causes infants to tilt their heads to one side. Because they have difficulties moving their head, children with CMT have a high risk of developing a “flat head”, which may contribute to feeding difficulties. Left untreated, congenital muscular torticollis can cause eye movement disorders and craniofacial asymmetry.
Thankfully, CMT is relatively easy to treat, especially if detected early. According to Dr. Philipps-Williams, conservative physical therapy improves the range of motion in almost all infants. Some common stretches include helping your baby turn their head gently by putting toys in different places. Tummy time may also be useful as it forces your baby to hold their head steady in one position.
Dr. Philipps-Williams recommends that you speak with your healthcare provider about specific exercises for your child.
In her new e-book, she talks about various repositioning programs, the role of orthotics, and other tailored care plans to help infants exercise their neck muscles. She likewise demystifies common perceptions about CMT and talks about other forms of torticollis, such as ocular torticollis and benign paroxysmal torticollis.
It is worth noting that a recent study published in the Annals of Maxillofacial Surgery states that CMT has an incident rate ranging from 0.3% to 2%.
Going beyond traditional medical advice, “Parents’ Guide to Congenital Muscular Torticollis” offers support for moms and dads who may be feeling overwhelmed - with practical advice parents can follow to improve their baby’s quality of life.
Ready to learn more? You can download the guide as a PDF file for only $20!
Dr. Philipps-Williams writes, "Designed to empower and support parents navigating this condition, our guide is a comprehensive tool that offers expert advice, practical tips, and valuable insights. With an encouraging tone, we delve into the causes, symptoms, and treatment options, providing a clear understanding of this condition. Let our Parents' Guide be your unwavering companion on this journey towards your child's well-being and progress."
Go to http://infanttorticollis.info so you can learn more.