Become A Servant Leader In Twin Oaks, MI With Intensive Leadership Coaching

Nov 9, 2021

Emotional Wisdom Training Institute (314-359-2467) launches leadership coaching for people in Twin Oaks, MI. We believe in an empowering type of leadership for success.

To be a great leader, you have to give power back to your team. That might seem like a contradiction at first, but hear us out. By empowering your team to take control, you make them feel happier, more productive, and more likely to listen to you. This, in turn, has a direct impact on your bottom line.

Widening the circle of compassion, we at Emotional Wisdom Training Institute announce our new intensive leadership training classes. Each session guides you to become a servant leader who can provide psychological safety to your employees.

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The new training addresses a need in the market for a more relational type of leadership. Previous types of leadership styles were anchored in an almost dictatorial-like hierarchy. Leaders were seen as untouchable and unreachable, with their decisions being the end-all, be-all of project management.

Nevertheless, financial studies have shown that today’s generation prefers a more democratic type of leadership, one that inspires and encourages team members to pitch their ideas in a safe environment. This builds what experts call “psychological safety”, which is defined as the level of trust a team has within itself.

Emerging data shows that the higher the level of psychological safety a team has, the more productive it is. Members of a psychologically safe team are likewise less likely to leave the group, which has a direct impact on employee satisfaction and company productivity.

That’s why we encourage you to develop a relational type of leadership. In particular, you should learn how to develop compassion and empathy for the people who work with you.

This is achieved through strategic leadership coaching. Our institute combines traditional coaching methods with the latest psychological studies to develop a distinctive mentoring model for success. 

The leadership coaching is led by Kate Michels, MCC, NLP, who is our founder and CEO. Kate has earned a name for herself for her unique coaching programs that help clients reach their potential and find resolution from certain mental conditions such as PTSD, social anxiety, and eating disorders, among others.

Her teaching methods have been included in best-selling books with experts such as Deepak Chopra, Wayne Dyer, and Jack Canfield.

We are known for our neurolinguistic coaching program that empowers professionals to reach their full potential. We accept clients from all industries and backgrounds.

Become the leader you always wanted to work for. Go to so you can learn more! 

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